RPG Maker MZ
Core Essentials v1.6.1

This plugin in itself doesn't do a lot, as it mainly adds common code for other plugins to use. This is script is required for all CXJ_MZ scripts to work properly.

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Make sure to place this plugin as high as possible, but possibly below any other core plugins by other creators (unless specified otherwise by the plugin), as this plugin might contain compatibility code for other plugins.


This plugin is mainly here to add common code for other CXJ_MZ plugins. However, if you want to use this core plugin as the basis for your own project, an explanation for each function will be provided.

Know that because this plugin is MIT licensed, you're free to use (parts of) the code in your own plugins.


CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge(target = {}, ...args)

This allows you to deep merge two objects into one. Note that this works differently from the spread operator, as that would result in a shallow merge, meaning, objects within an object won't properly get merged.


const obj1 = {
  title: 'Object 1',
  attributes: {
    color: 'red',

const obj2 = {
  title: 'Object 2',
  attributes: {
    size: 10,

const obj3 = {
  title: 'Object 3',

const obj4 = CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge({}, obj1, obj2, {title: 'Object 4'});

In this example, obj3's attributes attribute will only contain size: 10, while obj4 will have both color: 'red' and size: 10.


{object} target optional The target object.
{...object} args optional One or more objects.


The target object. Note that the target object will be altered, so if you want to avoid this, make sure to use an empty object as the target object, as in the example.


This copies an object.

It essentially is equivalent to CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge({}, obj) in that it makes a deep copy of the object.


{object} obj The object to copy.


A copy of the object.


This copies an array.

This makes a deep copy of the array, in the same way CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.copyObject makes a deep copy of an object.


{any[]} arr The array to copy.


A copy of the array.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEsentials.findObject(strObj, root = window)

A helper function to help you find an object from a string. This is primarily used to find a global object, or an object that's attached to the window object, however, it also allows you to find an object inside another object. In most cases you won't need this helper function, but there are smaller cases where it is needed.


{string} objStr A string that points to an object.
{object} root optional The root object.


The requested object.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.isVersion(pluginId, minVersion = null, maxVersion = null)

This allows you to check whether a plugin exists, and, optionally, whether the plugin is the right version.

The plugin ID is basically a string that points to the object which contains a version attribute, for example, "CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials" for the CoreEssentials plugin.


{string} pluginId The object that stores the version.
{string} minVersion optional The minimum required version.
{string} maxVersion optional The maximum required version.


True if the plugin exists and fulfills the version condition, otherwise false.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.checkDependencies(dependencies, throwError = false)

Instead of checking plugins individually, you can also check for multiple plugins at once.

To make a list of dependencies, you need an object, where the property names are the plugin IDs, and the values are the minimum version. If you also need a maximum version, you'll need to separate both values with a dash.

You can also define multiple version ranges by instead using an array of version ranges.

If you opt to throw an error and there is a missing dependency, it will throw a MissingPluginDependenciesException. You can directly access this class through CXJ_MZ.exceptions.MissingPluginDependenciesException.


  'CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials': '1.0-1.2',
}, true);


{string} dependencies A list of dependencies.
{boolean} throwError Whether to throw an error when a dependency is missing.


False if no dependency is missing, otherwise an object with missing dependencies.


This function simplifies an URL.

Technically this isn't entirely needed, as browsers can handle relative URLs just fine. What this does is it processes single and double dots in a URL, with the exception of ones at the beginning of the URL.


// Returns: ./img/doodads/bed.png


{string} url A URL.


A simplified URL.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, type = 'binary')

This retrieves the contents of a file.

This simplifies retrieving the file content, and makes it more flexible to process it, by using promises. Since RPG Maker MZ is primarily built around ES6, it now uses fetch instead of XHR requests, or fs when using it within NW.js.


{string} file The file to load.
{string} type optional How you want to output your data.


A promise object that resolves to the requested data.


This retrieves the contents of a file in an array buffer. It functions the same as if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'binary').


{string} file The file to load.


A promise object that resolves to the requested data.


This retrieves the contents of a file in an object. It functions the same as if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'json').


{string} file The file to load.


A promise object that resolves to the requested data.


This retrieves the contents of a file in plaintext. It functions the same as if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'text').


{string} file The file to load.


A promise object that resolves to the requested data.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict(objStr, boundObject = null, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict)

A helper function that keeps an unaltered copy of an object or function.

This is mainly useful for when you're overwriting code but still want to keep an unaltered copy of the function or method. This copy will be stored in CXJ_MZ.noConflict.

You can also bind an object to a function, if the requested object is a function.

Note that this will only store the object once, so if there are multiple calls on the same object, the object will only be stored the first time. You can circumvent this by storing the object in a different storage object.

If the object has been altered after being stored first and you want the altered object, the method will return the object as it is now.


CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters', PluginManager);

In this example, PluginManager is bound to the parameters method, so that you don't need to use the call method in the future.


{string} objStr The object that needs to be stored in noConflict.
{object} objStr optional An object that needs to be bound to the function (if the object is a function).
{object} storageObject optional An object to store the object in.


The requested object as it is now, or null if the object could not be found.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getNoConflict(objStr, fallbackObject = new Function, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict)

This allows you to retrieve an object or function stored in the noConflict object, or, if you have defined a different storage object, in that object instead.


CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters', PluginManager);
const pmParameters = CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters');
const parameters = pmParameters('CXJ_MZ_CoreEssentials');


{string} objStr The object that needs to be stored in noConflict.
{object} fallbackObject optional A fallback object in case the object can't be found.
{object} storageObject optional An object the object is stored in.


The original object, or the fallback object in case it's not found.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.registerFunctionExtension(objStr, callback, prepend = false)

Whenever you simply want to execute code before or after the original code has finished, you can use this function to extend the function. The advantage of this helper function is that it prevents the execution stack from getting too stacked. This is especially problematic if you have multiple plugins extending the same code.


{string} objStr The object that needs to be expanded on.
{function} callback The callback to add to the method.
{boolean} prepend optional Whether you want to execute the code before the original.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters(params, dataTypes)

This allows you to process parameters according to certain data rules.

The data type rules are stored in an object, using the same structure as parameters. For each parameter, you define the data type, for example, boolean, number or note. In the case of arrays and objects, you need to define an array, with the first item being the type. For arrays, the second item is the data type for each item in the array, for objects, you define the data structure in an object.

Valid types are:

  • text
  • number
  • boolean
  • note
  • literal
  • function
  • array
  • object

The note and literal types are practically the same, the destinction is mostly made to make the code look more clear. Notes are basically just long strings, while literals are keywords like null, true and false.

Any invalid type will default back to text.


CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters(params, {
  isActive: 'boolean',
  gridWidth: 'number',
  runCode: 'function,
  nameList: ['array', 'text'],
  menu: ['object', {
    bgColor: 'text',
    textColor: 'text',
  vehicles: ['array', 'object', {
    spriteName: 'text',
    spriteNo: 'number',
  creditsText: 'note',


{object} params The input parameters.
{object} dataTypes The data type rules.


An object containing every parameter, parsed according to the data type rules.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getParameters(pluginName, defaultParameters = {}, dataTypes = {})

Retrieves the current plugin's parameters, or falls back to a default set of parameters. It will also automatically parse the data according to a given set of data type rules, if provided. For more information about data type rules, refer to CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters.

This will go through several methods to retrieve the parameters, and in theory should work even if the current file is renamed.


{string} pluginName The name of the plugin.
{object} defaultParameters optional The default parameters.
{object} dataTypes optional The data type rules.


An object containing every parameter, or defaultParameters if it can't find it.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.addConfig(configKey, configType = 'object', properties = {})

This allows you to easily add new configuration settings which will be saved with the other configuration settings.


{string} configKey The configuration settings key.
{object} configType optional The configuration settings type. The configuration type can either be flag, volume, object or a user defined type. This argument essentially tries to call a class method corresponding with the configType, by default these will either be readFlag or readVolume. If it can't find a read method, it defaults to object.
{object} properties

optional Extra properties for the configuration setting. These properties are:

{function} get A getter
{function} set A setter
{*} defaultValue A default value.

If a getter and setter are missing, it will default to storing and reading the value to / from the ConfigManager object.

CXJ_MZ.TextHelper.addWaitMode(waitMode, callback)

Wait modes allow you to pause an event until certain actions have completed. An example is the built-in message wait mode, which waits until the message box is done displaying.

In order to let the wait mode know you're done, it checks whether it should still wait. In this case, the callback has to return a boolean, where true means it should still be waiting, and false means it's done waiting.


{string} waitMode The name of the wait mode.
{function} callback A callback function. Must return a boolean.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.database.autoload(variable, path, identifier = null, flags = CoreEssentials.database.DATABASE_TESTING_ALL)

While it isn't hard to load in additional data files, this method is added to simplify automatically loading them. It only really requires you to set a variable name and a path. It will automatically initialize your variable if it doesn't already exist.

Additionally, it will set an identifier for your variable, or you can manually set one. Said identifier can later be used to better identify what data you want to store.


{string} variable The name of the variable the data should be stored in.
{string} path The path to the data file.
{string} identifier optional The identifier for the loaded data.
{number} flags optional Flags that determine how the data should be loaded.

CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.database.registerOperation(identifier, ...operation)

After loading in a data file, you might want to do some modifications on it. For example, you might want to process the meta data that is loaded, or do some simple calculations that you don't want to perform every time you need to use the data.

You can attach multiple operations on each data type, and they will all be run sequentially. Simply provide a callback function, where the first parameter is the current object that needs to be processed.


{string} identifier The identifier for the loaded data.
{...function|array} operation optional A callback.


A few tweaks have been added to this plugin. These override the default functionality of existing functions and methods that can give developers more options to work with, in most cases they add new parameters.


This will extract the metadata.

This method has undergone an extensive overhaul, and might break other plugins that implement their own metadata extractor. It is therefore advised that you'd place this plugin before any other plugin that alters the behavior.

There are two major changes. The first major change is that you can use the same note tag multiple times. If you do so, it will convert the metadata into an array containing multiple values.

The other major change is closing tags. You can now define a corresponding closing tag for your note tag. This means that you can now define a larger piece of text as the value.


This note tag contains a longer piece of text.

Note that this string is trimmed automatically.

You can also add an extra parameter to the note tag, in which case the metadata is now stored as an object, containing both a param property and a value property, where the value property is the text between the tags.

Another thing of note is that the text inside these tags will automatically be checked for metadata. If any is found, the value will now be stored as an object, where the original text is stored in the note property, and the data in the meta property.


{object|string} data Either an object that contains a note property, or a string that needs to be parsed.

Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon(iconIndex, x, y, bitmap = null, options = {})

This method allows you to draw an icon at a specified location.


{number} iconIndex The index of the requested icon.
{number} x The x-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
{number} y The y-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
{Bitmap} bitmap optional new The bitmap that contains the icon.
{object} options

optional new A set of options that define how an icon should be read. These properties are:

{number} iconWidth The width of the icon.
{number} iconHeight The height of the icon.
{number} iconsPerRow The amount of icons per row.

Window_Command.prototype.addCommand(name, symbol, enabled = true, ext = null, index = null)

This method allows you to add a command to the current window.


{string} name The visible text of the command.
{string} symbol An identifier that will be used by the scene.
{boolean|function} enabled optional Whether the command is enabled or not. When used as a function, it has to return a boolean.
{*} ext optional Additional data.
{object} dataTypes optional new Where you want to insert the command. Set to null to place it at the very end. Setting it at a negative number will place it from the end. When a string is provided, it will attempt to search for a command with the symbol, and if found, will place the command before this.

This plugin overwrites default functionality. Make sure you check whether or not the plugin is compatible with other plugins by checking which functions they overwrite. Below is the list of methods it overwrites:

  • ConfigManager.makeData
  • ConfigManager.applyData
  • Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon
  • Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode
  • Window_Command.prototype.addCommand
  • Window_Command.prototype.isCommandEnabled

Download Core Essentials v1.6 (73.22 kB, 108 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.5 (64.98 kB, 112 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.4.3 (53.19 kB, 108 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.4.2.1 (53.02 kB, 131 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.4.2 (52.84 kB, 349 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.4.1 (51.96 kB, 358 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.4 (51.52 kB, 352 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.3.1 (48.97 kB, 362 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.3 (48.27 kB, 321 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.2 (44.99 kB, 360 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.1 (40.08 kB, 342 times downloaded)

Download Core Essentials v1.0 (34.48 kB, 383 times downloaded)

 * CXJ_MZ_CoreEssentials.js                                                   *
 * By G.A.M. Kertopermono, a.k.a. GaryCXJk                                    *
 * License: MIT                                                               *
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, G.A.M. Kertopermono                               *
 *                                                                            *
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a    *
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), *
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation  *
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,   *
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the      *
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:       *
 *                                                                            *
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in *
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                        *
 *                                                                            *
 * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                  *

 * @target MZ
 * @plugindesc Core plugin for all other CXJ_MZ scripts.
 * @author G.A.M. Kertopermono
 * @url https://area91.garycxjk.com/rmmz/plugins/core/core-essentials
 * @help
 * ============================================================================
 * = About                                                                    =
 * ============================================================================
 * This plugin in itself doesn't do a lot, as it mainly adds common code for
 * other plugins to use. This is script is required for all CXJ_MZ scripts to
 * work properly.
 * ============================================================================
 * = Placement                                                                =
 * ============================================================================
 * Make sure to place this plugin as high as possible, but possibly below any
 * other core plugins by other creators (unless specified otherwise by the
 * plugin), as this plugin might contain compatibility code for other plugins.
 * ============================================================================
 * = Usage                                                                    =
 * ============================================================================
 * This plugin is mainly here to add common code for other CXJ_MZ plugins.
 * However, if you want to use this core plugin as the basis for your own
 * project, an explanation for each function will be provided.
 * Know that because this plugin is MIT licensed, you're free to use (parts of)
 * the code in your own plugins.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.str.ucfirst(str)
 * Turns the first letter uppercase.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} str  - A string.
 * Returns:
 * A string.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.str.lcfirst(str)
 * Turns the first letter lowercase.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} str  - A string.
 * Returns:
 * A string.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.str.studly(str)
 * Turns the string into studly case, meaning, it will split the string into
 * separate words, and uses ucfirst on each word, before joining the string
 * into a single word.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} str  - A string.
 * Returns:
 * A string.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.str.camel(str)
 * Turns the string into camel case, meaning, it will split the string into
 * separate words, and uses ucfirst on each word, except for the first word,
 * which will use lcfirst, before joining the string into a single word.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} str  - A string.
 * Returns:
 * A string.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge(target = {}, ...args)
 * This allows you to deep merge two objects into one. Note that this works
 * differently from the spread operator, as that would result in a shallow merge,
 * meaning, objects within an object won't properly get merged.
 * Example:
 *    const obj1 = {
 *      title: 'Object 1',
 *      attributes: {
 *        color: 'red',
 *      },
 *    };
 *    const obj2 = {
 *      title: 'Object 2',
 *      attributes: {
 *        size: 10,
 *      },
 *    };
 *    const obj3 = {
 *      ...obj1,
 *      ...obj2,
 *      title: 'Object 3',
 *    };
 *    const obj4 = CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge({}, obj1, obj2, {title: 'Object 4'});
 * In this example, obj3's attributes attribute will only contain size: 10, while obj4
 * will have both color: 'red' and size: 10.
 * Arguments:
 * {object} target  - (optional) The target object.
 * {...object} args - (optional) One or more objects.
 * Returns:
 * The target object. Note that the target object will be altered, so if you want to
 * avoid this, make sure to use an empty object as the target object, as in the
 * example.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.copyObject(obj)
 * This copies an object.
 * It essentially is equivalent to CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge({}, obj) in that it
 * makes a deep copy of the object.
 * Arguments:
 * {object} obj - The object to copy.
 * Returns:
 * A copy of the object.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.copyArray(arr)
 * This copies an array.
 * This makes a deep copy of the array, in the same way CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.copyObject
 * makes a deep copy of an object.
 * Arguments:
 * {any[]} arr - The array to copy.
 * Returns:
 * A copy of the array.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEsentials.findObject(strObj, root = window)
 * A helper function to help you find an object from a string. This is primarily used
 * to find a global object, or an object that's attached to the window object, however,
 * it also allows you to find an object inside another object. In most cases you won't
 * need this helper function, but there are smaller cases where it is needed.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} objStr - A string that points to an object.
 * {object} root   - (optional) The root object.
 * Returns:
 * The requested object.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.isPlainObject(obj)
 * A helper function that helps you check whether or not a given object is a plain
 * object.
 * Arguments:
 * {object} obj - An object to check.
 * Returns:
 * A boolean that tells you if it is a plain object or not.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.isVersion(pluginId, minVersion = null, maxVersion = null)
 * This allows you to check whether a plugin exists, and, optionally, whether the
 * plugin is the right version.
 * The plugin ID is basically a string that points to the object which contains a
 * version attribute, for example, "CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials" for the CoreEssentials
 * plugin.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} pluginId   - The object that stores the version.
 * {string} minVersion - (optional) The minimum required version.
 * {string} maxVersion - (optional) The maximum required version.
 * Returns:
 * True if the plugin exists and fulfills the version condition, otherwise false.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.checkDependencies(dependencies, throwError = false)
 * Instead of checking plugins individually, you can also check for multiple plugins
 * at once.
 * To make a list of dependencies, you need an object, where the property names are
 * the plugin IDs, and the values are the minimum version. If you also need a maximum
 * version, you'll need to separate both values with a dash.
 * You can also define multiple version ranges by instead using an array of version
 * ranges.
 * If you opt to throw an error and there is a missing dependency, it will throw a
 * MissingPluginDependenciesException. You can directly access this class through
 * CXJ_MZ.exceptions.MissingPluginDependenciesException.
 * Example:
 *     CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.checkDependencies({
 *       'CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials': '1.0-1.2',
 *     }, true);
 * Arguments:
 * {object} dependencies - A list of dependencies.
 * {boolean} throwError  - (optional) Whether to throw an error when a dependency
 * is missing.
 * Returns:
 * False if no dependency is missing, otherwise an object with missing dependencies.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.simplifyUrl(url)
 * This function simplifies an URL.
 * Technically this isn't entirely needed, as browsers can handle relative URLs just fine.
 * What this does is it processes single and double dots in a URL, with the exception of
 * ones at the beginning of the URL.
 * Example:
 *     console.log(CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.simplifyUrl('./img/system/../doodads/./bed.png');
 *     // Returns: ./img/doodads/bed.png
 * Arguments:
 * {string} url - A URL.
 * Returns:
 * A simplified URL.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, type = 'binary')
 * This retrieves the contents of a file.
 * This simplifies retrieving the file content, and makes it more flexible to process it,
 * by using promises. Since RPG Maker MZ is primarily built around ES6, it now uses fetch
 * instead of XHR requests, or fs when using it within NW.js.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} file - The file to load.
 * {string} type - (optional) How you want to output your data.
 * Returns:
 * A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadBinary(file)
 * This retrieves the contents of a file in an array buffer. It functions the same as
 * if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'binary').
 * Arguments:
 * {string} file - The file to load.
 * Returns:
 * A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadJson(file)
 * This retrieves the contents of a file in an object. It functions the same as
 * if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'json').
 * Arguments:
 * {string} file - The file to load.
 * Returns:
 * A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadText(file)
 * This retrieves the contents of a file in plaintext. It functions the same as
 * if you use CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.loadFile(file, 'text').
 * Arguments:
 * {string} file - The file to load.
 * Returns:
 * A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict(objStr, boundObject = null, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict)
 * A helper function that keeps an unaltered copy of an object or function.
 * This is mainly useful for when you're overwriting code but still want to keep
 * an unaltered copy of the function or method. This copy will be stored in
 * CXJ_MZ.noConflict.
 * You can also bind an object to a function, if the requested object is a
 * function.
 * Note that this will only store the object once, so if there are multiple calls
 * on the same object, the object will only be stored the first time. You can circumvent
 * this by storing the object in a different storage object.
 * If the object has been altered after being stored first and you want the altered
 * object, the method will return the object as it is now.
 * Example:
 *     CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters', PluginManager);
 * In this example, PluginManager is bound to the parameters method, so that you don't
 * need to use the call method in the future.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} objStr        - The object that needs to be stored in noConflict.
 * {object} boundObject   - (optional) An object that needs to be bound to the function
 *                          (if the object is a function).
 * {object} storageObject - (optional) An object to store the object in.
 * Returns:
 * The requested object as it is now, or null if the object could not be found.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getNoConflict(objStr, fallbackObject = new Function, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict)
 * This allows you to retrieve an object or function stored in the noConflict object,
 * or, if you have defined a different storage object, in that object instead.
 * Example:
 *     CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters', PluginManager);
 *     const pmParameters = CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters');
 *     const parameters = pmParameters('CXJ_MZ_CoreEssentials');
 * Arguments:
 * {string} objStr         - The object that needs to be retrieved.
 * {object} fallbackObject - (optional) A fallback object in case the object can't be found.
 * {object} storageObject  - (optional) An object the object is stored in.
 * Returns:
 * The original object, or the fallback object in case it's not found.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.registerFunctionExtension(objStr, callback, prepend = false)
 * Whenever you simply want to execute code before or after the original code
 * has finished, you can use this function to extend the function. The advantage
 * of this helper function is that it prevents the execution stack from getting
 * too stacked. This is especially problematic if you have multiple plugins extending
 * the same code.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} objStr     - The object that needs to be expanded on.
 * {function} callback - The callback to add to the method.
 * {boolean} prepend   - (optional) Whether you want to execute the code before the original.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters(params, dataTypes)
 * This allows you to process parameters according to certain data rules.
 * The data type rules are stored in an object, using the same structure as
 * parameters. For each parameter, you define the data type, for example, boolean,
 * number or note. In the case of arrays and objects, you need to define an array,
 * with the first item being the type. For arrays, the second item is the data
 * type for each item in the array, for objects, you define the data structure in
 * an object.
 * Valid types are:
 * * text
 * * number
 * * boolean
 * * note
 * * literal
 * * function
 * * array
 * * object
 * The note and literal types are practically the same, the destinction is mostly
 * made to make the code look more clear. Notes are basically just long strings,
 * while literals are keywords like null, true and false.
 * Any invalid type will default back to text.
 * Example:
 *     CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters(params, {
 *       isActive: 'boolean',
 *       gridWidth: 'number',
 *       runCode: 'function,
 *       nameList: ['array', 'text'],
 *       menu: ['object', {
 *         bgColor: 'text',
 *         textColor: 'text',
 *       }],
 *       vehicles: ['array', 'object', {
 *         spriteName: 'text',
 *         spriteNo: 'number',
 *       }],
 *       creditsText: 'note',
 *     });
 * Arguments:
 * {object} params    - The input parameters.
 * {object} dataTypes - The data type rules.
 * Returns:
 * An object containing every parameter, parsed according to the data type rules.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.getParameters(pluginName, defaultParameters = {},
 *                                         dataTypes = {})
 * Retrieves the current plugin's parameters, or falls back to a default set of
 * parameters. It will also automatically parse the data according to a given set
 * of data type rules, if provided. For more information about data type rules,
 * refer to CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.processParameters.
 * This will go through several methods to retrieve the parameters, and in theory
 * should work even if the current file is renamed.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} pluginName        - The name of the plugin.
 * {object} defaultParameters - (optional) The default parameters.
 * {object} dataTypes         - (optional) The data type rules.
 * Returns:
 * An object containing every parameter, or defaultParameters if it can't find
 * it.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.addConfig(configKey, configType = 'object',
 *                                     properties = {})
 * This allows you to easily add new configuration settings which will be saved
 * with the other configuration settings.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} configKey   - The configuration settings key.
 * {object} configType  - (optional) The configuration settings type. The
 *                        configuration type can either be flag, volume, object
 *                        or a user defined type. This argument essentially tries
 *                        to call a class method corresponding with the
 *                        configType, bydefault these will either be readFlag or
 *                        readVolume. If it can't find a read method, it defaults
 *                        to object.
 * {object} properties  - (optional) Extra properties for the configuration setting.
 *                        These properties are:
 *     {function} get   - A getter.
 *     {function} set   - A setter.
 *     {*} defaultValue - A default value.
 *                        If a getter and setter are missing, it will default
 *                        to storing and reading the value to / from the
 *                        ConfigManager object.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.addWaitMode(waitMode, callback)
 * Wait modes allow you to pause an event until certain actions have completed.
 * An example is the built-in message wait mode, which waits until the message
 * box is done displaying.
 * In order to let the wait mode know you're done, it checks whether it should
 * still wait. In this case, the callback has to return a boolean, where true
 * means it should still be waiting, and false means it's done waiting.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} waitMode   - The name of the wait mode.
 * {function} callback - A callback function. Must return a boolean.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.database.autoload(variable, path, identifier = null,
 *                        flags = CoreEssentials.database.DATABASE_TESTING_ALL)
 * While it isn't hard to load in additional data files, this method is added
 * to simplify automatically loading them. It only really requires you to set
 * a variable name and a path. It will automatically initialize your variable
 * if it doesn't already exist.
 * Additionally, it will set an identifier for your variable, or you can
 * manually set one. Said identifier can later be used to better identify what
 * data you want to store.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} variable   - The name of the variable the data should be stored in.
 * {string} path       - The path to the data file.
 * {string} identifier - The identifier for the loaded data.
 * {number} flags      - Flags that determine how the data should be loaded.
 * ---
 * CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.database.registerOperation(identifier, ...operation)
 * After loading in a data file, you might want to do some modifications on it.
 * For example, you might want to process the meta data that is loaded, or do
 * some simple calculations that you don't want to perform every time you need
 * to use the data.
 * You can attach multiple operations on each data type, and they will all be
 * run sequentially. Simply provide a callback function, where the first
 * parameter is the current object that needs to be processed.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} identifier      - The identifier.
 * {...functiony} operation - A callback.
 * ------
 * Tweaks
 * ------
 * A few tweaks have been added to this plugin. These override the default
 * functionality of existing functions and methods that can give developers
 * more options to work with, in most cases they add new parameters.
 * ---
 * DataManager.extractMetadata(data)
 * This will extract the metadata.
 * This method has undergone an extensive overhaul, and might break other
 * plugins that implement their own metadata extractor. It is therefore advised
 * that you'd place this plugin before any other plugin that alters the
 * behavior.
 * There are two major changes. The first major change is that you can use the
 * same note tag multiple times. If you do so, it will convert the metadata into
 * an array containing multiple values.
 * The other major change is closing tags. You can now define a corresponding
 * closing tag for your note tag. This means that you can now define a larger
 * piece of text as the value.
 * Example:
 *     <NoteTag>
 *     This note tag contains a longer piece of text.
 *     </NoteTag>
 * Note that this string is trimmed automatically.
 * You can also add an extra parameter to the note tag, in which case the
 * metadata is now stored as an object, containing both a param property and
 * a value property, where the value property is the text between the tags.
 * Another thing of note is that the text inside these tags will automatically
 * be checked for metadata. If any is found, the value will now be stored as
 * an object, where the original text is stored in the note property, and the
 * data in the meta property.
 * Arguments:
 * {object|string} data - Either an object that contains a note property, or a
 *                        string that needs to be parsed.
 * ---
 * Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon(iconIndex, x, y, bitmap = null, options = {})
 * This method allows you to draw an icon at a specified location.
 * Arguments:
 * {number} iconIndex       - The index of the requested icon.
 * {number} x               - The x-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
 * {number} y               - The y-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
 * {Bitmap} bitmap          - (optional) The bitmap that contains the icon.
 * {object} options         - (optional) A set of options that define how an icon
 *                            should be read. These properties are:
 *     {number} iconWidth   - The width of the icon.
 *     {number} iconHeight  - The height of the icon.
 *     {number} iconsPerRow - The amount of icons per row.
 * ---
 * Window_Command.prototype.addCommand(name, symbol, enabled = true, ext = null,
 *                                         index = null)
 * This method allows you to add a command to the current window.
 * Arguments:
 * {string} name              - The visible text of the command.
 * {string} symbol            - An identifier that will be used by the scene.
 * {boolean|function} enabled - (optional) Whether the command is enabled or
 *                              not. When used as a function, it has to return a
 *                              boolean.
 * {*} ext                    - (optional) Additional data.
 * {string|number} index      - (optional) Where you want to insert the command.
 *                              Set to null to place it at the very end. Setting
 *                              it at a negative number will place it from the
 *                              end. When a string is provided, it will attempt
 *                              to search for a command with the symbol, and if
 *                              found, will place the command before this.
 * ============================================================================
 * = Changelog                                                                =
 * ============================================================================
 * 1.6.1 (2022-07-20)
 * ------------------
 * * Added: addWaitMode added from Text Helper.
 * 1.6 (2022-07-17)
 * ----------------
 * * Added: CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.str, an object containing string operations.
 * * Changed: isPlainObject is now available for use.
 * * Changed: Complete overhaul of DataManager.extractMetadata.
 * * Fixed: Removed prepend from database operations, since that wouldn't work.
 * * Fixed: Database arrays didn't work.
 * 1.5 (2022-07-15)
 * ----------------
 * * Added: Database operations, which allows you to process the data objects
 *   after they've been loaded.
 * * Changed: Window_Command.prototype.addCommand now also accepts strings as
 *   the index.
 * 1.4.3 (2022-06-26)
 * ------------------
 * * Fixed: Parsing arrays or objects could potentially error out if the value
 *   is actually a string.
 * (2020-12-01)
 * --------------------
 * * Fixed: Extended search for findObject could end up in an infinite loop if
 *   no object could be found.
 * 1.4.2 (2020-12-01)
 * ------------------
 * * Tweaked: findObject has now a parameter extended, which allows you to also
 *   find properties that use a period.
 * 1.4.1 (2020-11-23)
 * ------------------
 * * Fixed: Versions wouldn't properly validate in certain cases where the
 *   version to check for has a higher version depth count than the actual
 *   plugin (for example, requested version 1.2.1 and plugin version 1.3 would
 *   still return false).
 * 1.4 (2020-11-21)
 * ----------------
 * * Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon now allows you to define your own bitmap
 *   and icon settings.
 * 1.3.1 (2020-11-16)
 * ------------------
 * * Window_Command.prototype.isCommandEnabled will now properly process
 *   callback functions when used instead of boolean values.
 * 1.3 (2020-11-15)
 * ----------------
 * * Window_Command.prototype.addCommand adjustment: Added new parameter index.
 * * Fixed: Issues with functions when multiline_string is used instead of
 *   note.
 * * Improvement: CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.simplifyUrl now uses path.normalize
 *   if run inside NW.js or other node.js-based browsers.
 * 1.2 (2020-11-10)
 * ----------------
 * * Added dependencies check function.
 * 1.1 (2020-10-28)
 * ----------------
 * * Added file functions.
 * 1.0 (2020-10-26)
 * ----------------
 * * Initial release.
 * ============================================================================
 * = Compatibility                                                            =
 * ============================================================================
 * This plugin overwrites default functionality. Make sure you check whether or
 * not the plugin is compatible with other plugins by checking which functions
 * they overwrite. Below is the list of methods it overwrites:
 * * ConfigManager.makeData
 * * ConfigManager.applyData
 * * DataManager.extractMetadata
 * * Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode
 * * Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon
 * * Window_Command.prototype.addCommand
 * * Window_Command.prototype.isCommandEnabled
 * ============================================================================
 * = License                                                                  =
 * ============================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2020, G.A.M. Kertopermono
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * ============================================================================

(() => {
  window.CXJ_MZ = window.CXJ_MZ || {};
  const {
  } = window;
  CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials = CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials || {};
  CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.version = '1.6.1';
  CXJ_MZ.noConflict = CXJ_MZ.noConflict || {};
  CXJ_MZ.exceptions = CXJ_MZ.exceptions || {};

  const {
  } = CXJ_MZ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * - Private variables                                                    -
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const configSettings = {};
  const waitModes = {};
  const registeredFunctionExtensions = {};
  const registeredDataOperation = {};
  const registeredDataAutoload = [];
  const registeredDataMaps = {};

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * - Private functions                                                      -
   * -                                                                        -
   * - These are helper functions that aren't meant to be used outside the    -
   * - plugin.                                                                -
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Checks plugin content.
   * @param {object} parameters - The set of parameters to check.
   * @return Whether the plugin parameters are set or not.
  const checkPluginContent = parameters => Object.keys(parameters).length && parameters.constructor === Object;

   * Checks whether the object is a plain object.
   * @param {object} obj - The object to check.
   * @return {boolean} A boolean that says whether or not the object is a plain object.
  const isPlainObject = (obj) => {
    if (!obj || obj.toString() !== '[object Object]') {
      return false;

    const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);

    if (!prototype) {
      return true;

    return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(prototype, 'constructor')
      && typeof prototype.constructor === 'function'
      && prototype.constructor.toString() === Object.toString();

   * Merges objects into one target object.
   * @param {object} target - The target object.
   * @param {...object} args - One or more objects.
   * @return {object} The target object.
  const copyObjects = (target = {}, ...args) => {
    // Creates a new variable with target as value, to avoid potential eslint issues
    const newTarget = target;

    // Iterates through each argument to merge with the target
    args.forEach((arg) => {
      // If current argument is empty, skip
      if (arg === null) {
      // Iterates through each key of the current object
      Object.keys(arg).forEach((key) => {
        const src = arg[key];

        // If the source and target are the same, skip
        if (src === target) {

        // If the source is undefined, skip
        if (typeof src === 'undefined') {

        // If the source is an array, make a copy of the array
        if (Array.isArray(src)) {
          newTarget[key] = copyArray(src);
        // If the source is a plain object...
        } else if (isPlainObject(src)) {
          // If the original is an object as well, use that to merge with, otherwise make an empty object
          newTarget[key] = newTarget[key] && isPlainObject(newTarget[key]) ? newTarget[key] : {};
          copyObjects(newTarget[key], src);
        // Otherwise, just set the value
        } else {
          newTarget[key] = src;
    return newTarget;

   * Copies an array.
   * The copy of the array will have all its item deep copied.
   * @param {array} original - The array to copy.
   * @return {array} A copy of the array.
  const copyArray = (original) => {
    const copy = [];
    original.forEach((value) => {
      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      } else if (isPlainObject.value) {
        copy.push(copyObjects({}, value));
      } else {
    return copy;

  const objStrToObj = (objStr, root = window, extended = false) => {
    const objStrParts = objStr.split('.');
    let currentObject = root;
    while (objStrParts.length && currentObject) {
      if (extended) {
        The extended option does it the other way around, instead of taking
        segments from the beginning to search in each object, it uses the
        entire array joined with a period, after which a check is done to
        see if said property exists. If not, pop an item off the end, then
        do another check, until an object is found, after which the process
        starts over again.
        const partStr = objStrParts.splice(0);
        while (!currentObject[partStr.join('.')] && partStr.length) {
        currentObject = partStr.length ? currentObject[partStr.join('.')] : '';
      } else {
        const part = objStrParts.shift();
        currentObject = currentObject[part];

    return currentObject;

   * Allows you to load a file.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  const loadFile = (file, type = 'binary') => {
    if (Utils.isNwjs()) {
      return loadFileFs(file, type);
    return loadFileFetch(file, type);

   * Allows you to load a file using the FileSystem.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  const loadFileFs = (file, type = 'binary') => {
    const fs = require('fs');
    const fsParams = [file];
    if (['json', 'text'].includes(type)) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fs.readFile(...fsParams, (error, data) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {
          switch (type) {
            case 'json':
            case 'text':
              resolve(data.buffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteOffset + data.byteLength));

   * Allows you to load a file using fetch.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  const loadFileFetch = (file, type = 'binary') => {
    let realType = ['json', 'text'].includes(type) ? type : 'arrayBuffer';
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      fetch(file).then((res) => {
        if (res.ok) {
          res[realType]().then((data) => {
          }).catch((error) => {
        } else {
          reject(new Error(res.statusText));
      }).catch((error) => {

  const parseDataType = (value, dataType) => {
    const baseType = Array.isArray(dataType) ? dataType[0] : dataType;

    switch (baseType) {
      case 'boolean':
        return value === 'true';
      case 'number':
        return +value;
      case 'array':
        const arrayValue = JSON.parse(value || '[]');
        for (let idx = 0; idx < arrayValue.length; idx++) {
          arrayValue[idx] = parseDataType(arrayValue[idx], dataType.slice(1));
        return arrayValue;
      case 'object':
        const objectValue = JSON.parse(value || '{}');
        if (dataType.length > 1 && typeof dataType[1] === 'object' && typeof objectValue === 'object') {
          Object.keys(dataType[1]).forEach((key) => {
            if (!objectValue[key]) {
            objectValue[key] = parseDataType(objectValue[key], dataType[1][key]);
        return objectValue;
      case 'note':
      case 'literal':
        return JSON.parse(value);
      case 'function':
        let str = value;
        // If the type was a note, we'll need to JSON parse the string, otherwise,
        // we'll leave the string intact.
        try {
          str = JSON.parse(str);
        } catch (e) {
          // Do nothing
        return new Function(str);
        return value;

  const processParameters = (params, dataTypes) => {
    const processedParams = {};
    Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => {
      const value = params[key];
      if (dataTypes[key] && typeof value === 'string') {
        const dataType = dataTypes[key];
        processedParams[key] = parseDataType(value, dataType);
      } else if (!dataTypes[key]) {
        processedParams[key] = value;
    return processedParams;

  const parseParams = (params, defaultParams, dataTypes) => {
    const processedParams = processParameters(params, dataTypes);
    return copyObjects({}, defaultParams, processedParams);

  const createMissingDependenciesString = (missingDependencies) => (
    Object.keys(missingDependencies).reduce((previousValue, plugin) => {
      const versions = missingDependencies[plugin];
      const versionsString = versions.reduce((versionArray, version) => {
        if (version) {
          const [minVersion, maxVersion = null] = version ? version.split('-') : [ null ];
          const vStr = version ? `v${minVersion}${maxVersion ? ` - v${maxVersion}` : ''}` : '';
        return versionArray;
      }, []).join(', ');
      return `${previousValue ? '\n' : ''}${plugin}${versionsString ? `: ${versionsString}` : ''}`;
    }, '')

  const createOperationsProcesses = (object, registeredOperations, identifier) => {
    if (Array.isArray(object)) {
      /* For the arrays, we'll use a reducer, so that we can filter out the
       * items that aren't plain objects, while still maintaining the index
       * of each item.
      return object.reduce((items, item, index) => {
        if (isPlainObject(item)) {
          items.push([item, registeredOperations, identifier, index]);
        return items;
      }, []);
    if (isPlainObject(object)) {
      return [[object, registeredOperations, identifier, index]];
    return [];

  const processOperations = (object, identifier = null) => {
    // Initialize variables.
    let id = identifier;
    let obj = object;
    let rootIdentifier = null;
    let registeredOperations = {
      properties: registeredDataOperation

    // If the object provided is a string, try to find the corresponding object.
    if (typeof obj === 'string') {
      id = registeredDataMaps[obj];
      obj = objStrToObj(object);
      rootIdentifier = id;

    // If either the identifier or the object can't be found, or the object isn't either
    // an array or a plain object, return.
    if (!id || !obj || (!Array.isArray(obj) && !isPlainObject(obj))) {

    const identifierSegments = id.split('.');
    while (identifierSegments.length) {
      const segment = identifierSegments.shift();
      if (rootIdentifier === null) {
        rootIdentifier = segment;
      // If no registered operation can be found for the current identifier, return.
      if (!registeredOperations.properties[segment]) {
      registeredOperations = registeredOperations.properties[segment];

    // Instead of a recursive loop, we'll use a while loop, to prevent any
    // stack overflow exceptions.
    const process = createOperationsProcesses(obj, registeredOperations, id);

    // Iterate through each object that needs to be processed.
    while (process.length) {
      const [ current, operations, currentId, index ] = process.shift();

      // Execute the operation.
      operations.operations.forEach((operation) => {
        operation.call(current, current, rootIdentifier, currentId, index);

      // If there are properties that also have operations, iterate through
      // them as well.
      Object.keys(operations.properties).forEach((property) => {
        const propValue = current[property];
        const propIdentifier = `${currentId}.${property}`;
        process.push(...createOperationsProcesses(propValue, operations.properties[property], propIdentifier));

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * - Classes                                                                -
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  class MissingPluginDependenciesException extends Error {
    constructor(message) {
      this.name = 'MissingPluginDependenciesException';
      this.message = `There are missing plugins, or the incorrect versions are loaded.\n\n${isPlainObject(message) ? createMissingDependenciesString(message) : message.toString()}`;
      // Use V8's native method if available, otherwise fallback
      if ('captureStackTrace' in Error) {
        Error.captureStackTrace(this, MissingPluginDependenciesException);
      } else {
        this.stack = (new Error()).stack;

  CXJ_MZ.exceptions.MissingPluginDependenciesException = MissingPluginDependenciesException;

  class InvalidIdentifierException extends Error {
    constructor(identifier, reason = null) {
      this.name = 'DBInvalidIdentifierException';
      this.message = `The provided identifier ${identifier} is incorrect.${reason ? ` Reason: ${reason}` : ''}`;
      // Use V8's native method if available, otherwise fallback
      if ('captureStackTrace' in Error) {
        Error.captureStackTrace(this, DBInvalidIdentifierException);
      } else {
        this.stack = (new Error()).stack;

  CXJ_MZ.exceptions.InvalidIdentifierException = InvalidIdentifierException;

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * - Plugin methods                                                         -
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CoreEssentials.str = {};

  const { str: ceStr } = CoreEssentials;

  ceStr.ucfirst = (str) => `${str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;
  ceStr.lcfirst = (str) => `${str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;

  ceStr.studly = (str) => (
    str.replace(/[-_]/g, ' ').split(' ').reduce((full, word) => (
    ), '')

  ceStr.camel = (str) => ceStr.lcfirst(ceStr.studly(str));

   * Merges objects into one target object.
   * @param {object} target - The target object.
   * @param {...object} args - One or more objects.
   * @return {object} The target object.
  CoreEssentials.deepMerge = copyObjects;

   * Deep copies an object.
   * This is equivalent to CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.deepMerge({}, obj);
   * @param {object} obj - The object to copy.
   * @return {object} A copy of the object.
  CoreEssentials.copyObject = obj => copyObjects({}, obj);

   * Copies an array.
   * The copy of the array will have all its item deep copied.
   * @param {array} original - The array to copy.
   * @return {array} A copy of the array.
  CoreEssentials.copyArray = copyArray;

   * Tries to find an object using a string.
   * This helper function helps you find an object without the use of the
   * eval function, by iterating through a root object, by default the window
   * object.
   * @param {string} objStr - A string that points to an object.
   * @param {object} root - (optional) A root object. Defaults to window.
   * @return {object} The requested object.
  CoreEssentials.findObject = objStrToObj;

   * Checks if an object is a plain object.
   * @param {object} obj - An object to check.
   * @return {boolean} A boolean that tells you if it is a plain object or not.
  CoreEssentials.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;

   * Checks the version of a plugin.
   * @param {string} pluginId - The plugin identifier.
   * @param {string} minVersion - The minimum version.
   * @param {string} maxVersion - The maximum version.
   * @return {boolean} Whether the plugin exists and if it's the right version.
  CoreEssentials.isVersion = (pluginId, minVersion = null, maxVersion = null) => {
    let pluginVersion = null;

    First, let's make sure that the pluginId isn't just a version number.
    This is so that one can directly input the version number of a plugin, in case the
    automatic detection doesn't work properly. This also works if the version is prefixed
    with a 'v'.
    if (/^v?\d+(\.\d+)*$/.test(pluginId.toString())) {
      pluginVersion = pluginId.toString().replace(/^v/, '');
    // In any other case we'll assume the plugin ID points to the object of the same name
    } else {
      const currentObject = objStrToObj(pluginId);

      if (currentObject && currentObject !== window && currentObject.version) {
        pluginVersion = currentObject.version.toString();
    // If no plugin version can be found, the plugin probably doesn't exist / isn't loaded
    if (!pluginVersion) {
      return false;
    // Return true when no minimum version is provided (maximum version is ignored)
    if (!minVersion) {
      return true;
    const currentArr = pluginVersion.split('.');
    const minArr = minVersion.toString().split('.');
    const maxArr = maxVersion ? maxVersion.toString().split('.') : null;

    const maxVerLen = Math.max(currentArr.length, minArr.length, maxArr ? maxArr.length : 0);

    for (let idx = 0; idx < maxVerLen; idx++) {
      const curNum = currentArr[idx] || 0;
      const minNum = minArr[idx] || 0;

      if (+curNum < +minNum) {
        return false;
      if (maxArr) {
        const maxNum = maxArr[idx] || 0;
        if (+curNum > +maxNum) {
          return false;
        if (+curNum < +maxNum && +curNum > +minNum) {
          return true;
      } else if (+curNum > +minNum) {
        return true;
    return true;

   * Checks whether dependent plugins have been loaded or not.
   * @param {object} dependencies - A list of dependencies.
   * @param {boolean} throwError - Whether to throw an error instead of returning a value
   * @returns {object|boolean} The boolean value false if the dependencies have been met,
   * or an object with the missing dependencies.
  CoreEssentials.checkDependencies = (dependencies, throwError = false) => {
    // We'll first need to create an empty object to store the missing dependencies.
    const missingDependencies = {};

    // Let's iterate through each dependency.
    Object.keys(dependencies).forEach((plugin) => {
      // First, make sure the versions are stored in an array,
      // and set the version check variable to false.
      const versions = Array.isArray(dependencies[plugin]) ? dependencies[plugin] : [ dependencies[plugin] ];
      let isCorrectVersion = false;

      // Now iterate through each version range.
      versions.every((version) => {
        // Split the version into minimum and maximum version.
        const [minVersion, maxVersion = null] = version ? version.split('-') : [ null ];

        // Check whether the current version range matches the plugin loaded.
        const currentlyCorrect = CoreEssentials.isVersion(plugin, minVersion, maxVersion);

        // If the correct plugin is loaded, no need to check anymore, let's move on to
        // the next plugin.
        if (currentlyCorrect) {
          isCorrectVersion = true;
          return false;
        return true;

      // If the correct plugin hasn't been found, add it to the missing dependencies list.
      if (!isCorrectVersion) {
        missingDependencies[plugin] = versions;

    // If we decided to throw an error, and there are missing dependencies, construct the error message.
    if (throwError && Object.keys(missingDependencies).length) {
      throw new MissingPluginDependenciesException(missingDependencies);
    return Object.keys(missingDependencies).length ? missingDependencies : false;

   * Simplifies URLs.
   * Technically this isn't entirely needed, but just in case you would need it. What this
   * does is it processes single and double dots in a URL, with the exception of ones at the
   * beginning of the URL.
   * Example:
   *     console.log(CXJ_MZ.CoreEssentials.simplifyUrl('./img/system/../doodads/./bed.png');
   *     // Returns: ./img/doodads/bed.png
   * @param {string} url - Input URL.
   * @return {string} The simplified URL.
  CoreEssentials.simplifyUrl = (url) => {
    if (Utils.isNwjs()) {
      // If in NW.js or other node.js-based browser wrappers, use the path.normalize method instead.
      const path = require('path').posix;
      return path.normalize(url);
    const urlSegments = url.split('/');
    for (let idx = ['', '.'].includes(urlSegments[0]) ? 1 : 0; idx < urlSegments.length; idx++) {
      if (urlSegments[idx] === '.') {
        urlSegments.splice(idx, 1);
        idx = Math.max(0, idx - 2);
      } else if (idx + 1 < urlSegments.length && urlSegments[idx + 1] === '..') {
        urlSegments.splice(idx, 2);
        idx = Math.max(0, idx - 2);
    return urlSegments.join('/');

   * Allows you to load a file.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadFile = loadFile;

   * Allows you to load a file and returns it as an array buffer.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadBinary = (file) => {
    return loadFile(file, 'binary');

   * Allows you to load a file and returns it as a JavaScript object.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadJson = (file) => {
    return loadFile(file, 'json');

   * Allows you to load a file and returns it as plaintext.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadText = (file) => {
    return loadFile(file, 'text');

   * Allows you to load a file using the FileSystem.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadFile.fs = loadFileFs;

   * Allows you to load a file using fetch.
   * @param {string} file - The file to load.
   * @param {string} type - How you want to output your data.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object that resolves to the requested data.
  CoreEssentials.loadFile.fetch = loadFileFetch;

   * Allows you to keep an unaltered version of an object or function.
   * This helper allows you to alter certain functionality without completely getting rid of
   * the original code.
   * @param {string} objStr - The object that needs to be stored in noConflict.
   * @param {object} boundObject - An object that needs to be bound to the function (if
   * the object is a function).
   * @param {object} storageObject - An object to store the object in.
   * @return {object} The requested object as it is now, or null if the object could not be found.
  CoreEssentials.setNoConflict = (objStr, boundObject = null, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict) => {
    const obj = objStrToObj(objStr);

    if (!obj || obj === window) {
      return null;

    const retObj = boundObject && typeof obj === 'function' ? obj.bind(boundObject) : obj;

    if (!storageObject[objStr]) {
      storageObject[objStr] = retObj;

    return retObj;

   * Retrieves an original copy of a stored object or function.
   * @param {string} objStr - The object that needs to be retrieved.
   * @param {object} fallbackObject - A fallback object in case the object can't be found.
   * @param {object} storageObject - An object the object is stored in.
   * @returns {object} The original object, or the fallback object in case it's not found.
  CoreEssentials.getNoConflict = (objStr, fallbackObject = new Function, storageObject = CXJ_MZ.noConflict) => storageObject[objStr] || fallbackObject;

   * Allows you to extend a method.
   * @param {string} objStr - The object that needs to be expanded on.
   * @param {function} callback - The callback to add to the method.
   * @param {boolean} prepend - Whether you want to execute the code before the original.
  CoreEssentials.registerFunctionExtension = (objStr, callback, prepend = false) => {
    if (!registeredFunctionExtensions[objStr]) {
      const objSegments = objStr.split('.');
      const objMethod = objSegments.pop();
      const objParent = objStrToObj(objSegments.join('.'));
      const boundObj = objSegments.slice(-1)[0] === 'prototype' ? null : objParent;
      const origMethod = CoreEssentials.setNoConflict(objStr, boundObj);
      if (!origMethod || typeof origMethod !== 'function') {
      objParent[objMethod] = function(...args) {
        registeredFunctionExtensions[objStr].prepend.forEach((prependMethod) => {
          prependMethod.call(boundObj || this, ...args);

        if (boundObj) {
        } else {
          origMethod.call(this, ...args);

        registeredFunctionExtensions[objStr].append.forEach((appendMethod) => {
          appendMethod.call(boundObj || this, ...args);
      registeredFunctionExtensions[objStr] = {
        prepend: [],
        append: [],
    registeredFunctionExtensions[objStr][prepend ? 'prepend' : 'append'].push(callback);

   * Processes parameters according to certain data rules.
   * The data parse rules are stored in an object, using the same structure as parameters.
   * For each parameter, you define the data type, for example, boolean, number or note.
   * In the case of arrays and objects, you need to define an array, with the first item being
   * the type. For arrays, the second item is the data type for each item in the array, for objects,
   * you define the data structure in an object.
   * @param {object} params - Input parameters.
   * @param {object} dataTypes - Data type rules.
   * @return {object} The parsed parameters.
  CoreEssentials.processParameters = processParameters;

   * Gets the current script's parameters.
   * When the script's name is renamed, it tries various fallbacks before
   * defaulting to the default parameters given.
   * @param {string} pluginName - The name of the plugin.
   * @param {object} defaultParams - Default parameter values.
   * @param {object} dataTypes - Data type rules.
   * @return {object} The requested parameters, parsed according to the data type rules.
  const pmParameters = CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('PluginManager.parameters', PluginManager);
  CoreEssentials.getParameters = (pluginName, defaultParams = {}, dataTypes = {}) => {
    let parameters = pmParameters(pluginName);
    if(checkPluginContent(parameters)) {
      return parseParams(parameters, defaultParams, dataTypes);

    // Use currentScript
    if(document.currentScript) {
      // Retrieves the current script's name, then only takes the part after /plugins/, finally removes the .js extension
      const scriptName = document.currentScript.src.split(/\/plugins\//).slice(-1)[0].replace(/\.js$/, '');
      parameters = pmParameters(scriptName);
      return parseParams(parameters, defaultParams, dataTypes);

    // Iterate through each defined script
    for(let idx = 0; idx < $plugins.length; idx++) {
      const currentPlugin = $plugins[idx];
      const params = currentPlugin.parameters;

      // If the description contains the plugin name, this is the guy
      if(currentPlugin.description.indexOf('<' + pluginName + '>') > -1) {
        return parseParams(params, defaultParams, dataTypes);

      Check each parameter of the plugin, if all are present in the
      defaultParams parameter, this is the script
      let hasFound = true;
      if(defaultParams) {
          Object.keys(defaultParams).every((key) => {
            if (Object.property.hasOwnProperty.call(params, key)) {
              hasFound = false;
              return false;
            return true;
      if(hasFound) {
        return parseParams(params, defaultParams, dataTypes);

    // Return the default parameters
    return defaultParams;

   * Sets configuration rules, for settings that should be stored.
   * @param {string} configKey - The configuration key.
   * @param {string} configType - The type of configuration.
   * @param {object} properties - Extra properties for the configuration setting.
   * @param {function} properties.get - The getter.
   * @param {function} properties.set - The setter.
   * @param {*} properties.defaultValue - A default value.
  CoreEssentials.addConfig = (configKey, configType = 'object', properties = {}) => {
    if (!properties.get && !properties.set) {
      ConfigManager[configKey] = properties.defaultValue || null;
    } else {
      Object.defineProperty(ConfigManager, configKey, {
        get: properties.get,
        set: properties.set,
        configurable: true,
    configSettings[configKey] = {
      type: configType,
    if (properties.defaultValue) {
      configSettings[configKey].defaultValue = properties.defaultValue;

   * Adds a wait mode.
   * @param {string} waitMode - The name of the wait mode.
   * @param {function} callback - A callback function. Must return a boolean.
   CoreEssentials.addWaitMode = (waitMode, callback) => {
    waitModes[waitMode] = callback;

  CoreEssentials.database = {};
  Object.defineProperties(CoreEssentials.database, {
    DATABASE_TESTING_NONE: { value: 0 },
    DATABASE_TESTING_BATTLE: { value: 1 },
    DATABASE_TESTING_EVENT: { value: 2 },
    DATABASE_TESTING_ALL: { value: 3 },

   * @param {string} variable
   * @param {string} path
   * @param {string} identifier
   * @param {number} flags
  CoreEssentials.database.autoload = (variable, path, identifier = null, flags = CoreEssentials.database.DATABASE_TESTING_ALL) => {
    // First retrieve the identifier. If no identifier has been specified,
    // construct one based on the variable.
    const realIdentifier = identifier ?? variable.replace(/^\$data(.)/, (_match, letter) => letter.toLowerCase()).replace(/[^a-z0-9_\$]/ig, '');

    /* Next, validate the identifier. The identifier should only contain
     * alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), underscores (_) and
     * dollar signs ($).
    if (!realIdentifier.match(/^[a-z0-9_\$]+$/i)) {
      throw new InvalidIdentifierException(realIdentifier, 'Identifiers can only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_) and dollar signs($).');

    /* Register the file. We'll store it in a separate loading array,
     * since there might be issues if we try to load the files using
     * DataManager._databaseFiles.
      name: variable,
      src: path,

    // Finally, register a map from the variable name to the identifier
    // for easy lookup, and initialize the variable if it doesn't exist.
    registeredDataMaps[variable] = realIdentifier;
    if (typeof window[variable] === 'undefined') {
      window[variable] = null;

   * Register database operations.
   * @param {string} identifier
   * @param  {...function|array} operation
  CoreEssentials.database.registerOperation = (identifier, ...operation) => {
    let registeredOperations = {
      properties: registeredDataOperation,
    const identifierSegments = identifier.split('.');
    while (identifierSegments.length) {
      const segment = identifierSegments.shift();
      registeredOperations.properties[segment] = registeredOperations[segment] ?? {
        operations: [],
        properties: {},
      registeredOperations = registeredOperations.properties[segment];
    operation.forEach((op) => {
      // Using an array is deprecated.
      if (Array.isArray(op)) {
      } else {

  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * - Overrides and additions                                                -
   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (() => {
    /* Before we override methods, we'll set the basic data map. It's a lookup
     * map, which maps the data variable to an identifier which can be use
     * with CoreEssentials.database.registerOperation. For example, $dataActors
     * maps to the identifier actors, and $dataCommonEvents maps to
     * commonEvents.
    DataManager._databaseFiles.forEach((databaseFile) => {
      const identifier = databaseFile.name.replace(/^\$data(.)/, (_match, letter) => letter.toLowerCase());
      registeredDataMaps[databaseFile.name] = identifier;

    // We'll also add maps to the lookup map.
    registeredDataMaps['$dataMap'] = 'map';

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - ConfigManager.makeData (Override)                                -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @static
     * @method makeData
     * @private
    const cfgMakeData = CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('ConfigManager.makeData', ConfigManager);
    ConfigManager.makeData = function() {
      const config = cfgMakeData();
      Object.keys(configSettings).forEach((key) => {
        config[key] = this[key];
      return config;

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - ConfigManager.applyData (Override)                               -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @static
     * @method makeData
     * @param config
     * @private
    const cfgApplyData = CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('ConfigManager.applyData', ConfigManager);
    ConfigManager.applyData = function(config) {
      Object.keys(configSettings).forEach((key) => {
        const {
          type: configType,
          defaultValue = null,
        } = configSettings[key];
        const method = `read${configType.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${configType.slice(1)}`;
        if (this[method]) {
          this[key] = this[method](config, key, defaultValue);
        } else {
          this[key] = config[key];

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - DataManager.loadDatabase (Override)                              -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------
    CoreEssentials.registerFunctionExtension('DataManager.loadDatabase', function() {
      registeredDataAutoload.forEach((autoload) => {
        let { flags } = autoload;
        const {
        } = ConfigManager.database;
        const inTest = this.isBattleTest() || this.isEventTest();

        /* We only want to load in the file on the following conditions.
         * * If a battle test is run, and DATABASE_TESTING_BATTLE is set, load the file.
         * * If an event test is run, and DATABASE_TESTING_EVENT is set, load the file.
         * * If DATABASE_TESTING_ONLY_TESTING is set, and a test is running, load the file.
         * * If DATABASE_TESTING_ONLY_TESTING is set, and no test is running, don't load the file.
        if (
          (!this.isBattleTest() || (testing & DATABASE_TESTING_BATTLE) > 0)
          && (!this.isEventTest() || (testing & DATABASE_TESTING_EVENT) > 0)
          && ((testing & DATABASE_TESTING_ONLY_TESTING) === 0 || inTest)
        ) {
          this.loadDataFile(autoload.name, autoload.src);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - DataManager.onXhrLoad (Override)                                 -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------
    CoreEssentials.registerFunctionExtension('DataManager.onXhrLoad', function(xhr, name) {
      if (xhr.status < 400) {

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - DataManager.extractMetadata (Override)                           -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

    CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('DataManager.extractMetadata', DataManager);
    DataManager.extractMetadata = function(data) {
      /* First, let's check if data is a plain object. In that case, we'll run the
       * method again, but this time just on the note property. This way, we can
       * also run it as a string.
      if (isPlainObject(data)) {
        if (data.note) {
          data.meta = this.extractMetadata(data.note);
          // Because we want to keep the results consistent, we'll return a copy of
          // the metadata. More than likely, this object won't ever be used.
          return CoreEssentials.copyObject(data.meta);
        } else {
          // We'll just abort the execution if it's not a valid object.
          return {};

      // We'll abort if the data is anything but a string.
      if (typeof data !== 'string') {
        return {};

      // We'll first get all matches, and go in a reverse order.
      const matches = [...data.matchAll(/<([^<>:]+)(:?)([^>]*)>/g)].reverse();

      // We'll skip the rest if there is no match.
      if (!matches.length) {
        return {};

      /* We'll first extract all block data to something that can easily be
       * converted to metadata. We also want to account for duplicate note tags,
       * as originally, duplicate note tags would immediately be overwritten.
      const [blocks] = matches.reduce(([prevBlocks, block], currentBlock) => {
        // First store some basic info about the current block.
        const blockInfo = {
          name: currentBlock[1],
        if (currentBlock[2] === ':') {
          blockInfo.param = currentBlock[3];
        // If an end tag has been found, skip over all other tags until the start tag
        // has been found.
        if (block) {
          // The matching start tag has not been found, skip.
          if (blockInfo.name !== block.name) {
            return [prevBlocks, block];
          // We'll destructure the end tag block data.
          const {
            tail = null,
          } = block;
          // Anything between the start and end tag will be the value. We'll also trim
          // any whitespaces at the beginning and the end.
          let value = data.slice(currentBlock.index + currentBlock[0].length, index).trim();

          /* We'll try to recursively extract the metadata. If no metadata has been
           * found inside this block, just use the block string as the value, otherwise,
           * we'll store the raw data inside the note property, and the metadata in the
           * meta property.
          const metaValue = this.extractMetadata(value);
          if (Object.keys(metaValue).length) {
            value = {
              note: value,
              meta: metaValue,
          blockInfo.value = value;
          if (tail !== null) {
            blockInfo.tail = tail;
          // Because we work backwards, we'll need to unshift the data, adding it to
          // the start of the prevBlocks array.
          return [prevBlocks, null];

        // If an end tag has been found, set it as the current block.
        if (currentBlock[1].startsWith('/')) {
          const stackInfo = {
            name: blockInfo.name.slice(1),
            index: currentBlock.index,
          if (typeof blockInfo.param !== 'undefined') {
            stackInfo.tail = blockInfo.param;
          return [prevBlocks, stackInfo];

        // Because we work backwards, we'll need to unshift the data, adding it to
        // the start of the prevBlocks array.
        return [prevBlocks, null];
      }, [[], null]);

      // Finally, let's reduce the blocks array into a meta object.
      return blocks.reduce((prevState, block) => {
        const {
          param = null,
          value = null,
          tail = null,
        } = block;

        /* The value of the block will either be the parameter value, the block
         * string, or true if neither is set. We'll also assume that an empty string
         * means it's unset.
        let newBlock = param || value || true;

        // If both is set, or the tail is set, we'll use an object to store the data.
        if ((param && value) || tail) {
          newBlock = {};
          if (param) {
            newBlock.param = param;
          if (value) {
            newBlock.value = value;
          if (tail) {
            newBlock.tail = tail;

        // If the tag has already been used previously, we'll turn it into an array,
        // so that no data will be lost.
        if (prevState[name]) {
          prevState[name] = Array.isArray(prevState[name]) ? prevState[name] : [prevState[name]];
        } else {
          prevState[name] = newBlock;

        return prevState;
      }, {});

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode (Override)             -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @method updateWaitMode
     * @private
     const updateWaitMode = CoreEssentials.setNoConflict('Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode');
     Game_Interpreter.prototype.updateWaitMode = function() {
       if (waitModes[this._waitMode]) {
         const waiting = waitModes[this._waitMode].call(this);
         if (!waiting) {
           this._waitMode = '';
         return waiting;
       return updateWaitMode.call(this);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon (Override)                        -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @method drawIcon
     * @param {number} iconIndex - The index of the requested icon.
     * @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
     * @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of where the icon should be drawn.
     * @param {Bitmap} bitmap - The bitmap that contains the icon.
     * @param {object} options - A set of options that define how an icon
     * should be read.
    Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon = function(iconIndex, x, y, bitmap = null, options = {}) {
      let realBitmap = null;
      if (bitmap && bitmap instanceof Bitmap) {
        realBitmap = bitmap;
      } else {
        realBitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
      const iconsPerRow = options.iconsPerRow || 16;
      const pw = options.iconWidth || ImageManager.iconWidth;
      const ph = options.iconHeight || ImageManager.iconHeight;
      const sx = (iconIndex % iconsPerRow) * pw;
      const sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / iconsPerRow) * ph;
      this.contents.blt(realBitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x, y);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - Window_Command.prototype.addCommand (Override)                   -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @method addCommand
     * @param {string} name - The label of the command option.
     * @param {string} symbol - The symbol that gets referenced for executing
     * in the scene.
     * @param {boolean} enabled - Whether the option is enabled or not.
     * @param {*} ext - Additional data attached to the command.
     * @param {string|number} index - The index where the menu item needs to be added.
    Window_Command.prototype.addCommand = function(
      name, symbol, enabled = true, ext = null, index = null
    ) {
      const commandData = { name: name, symbol: symbol, enabled: enabled, ext: ext };
      if (index === null || Number.isNaN(+index)) {
        if (typeof index === 'string') {
          const [symbol, insertWhere = 'before'] = index.split(':');
          const findIndex = this._list.findIndex((command) => command.symbol === symbol);
          if (findIndex < 0) {
          } else {
            const insertIndex = findIndex + (insertWhere === 'before' ? 0 : 1);
            this._list.splice(insertIndex, 0, commandData);
        } else {
      } else if (index === 0) {
      } else {
        this._list.splice(index, 0, commandData);

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     * - Window_Command.prototype.isCommandEnabled (Override)             -
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @method isCommandEnabled
     * @param {number} index - The command index.
    Window_Command.prototype.isCommandEnabled = function(index) {
      const { enabled } = this._list[index];
      return typeof enabled === 'function' ? enabled() : enabled;


Creator: GaryCXJk

Release date: 2020-10-26

Last updated: 2022-07-20

Downloads: 255

License: The MIT License