RPG Maker VX Ace
Free Movement
RPG Maker VX Ace is mainly constrained to the grid. Luckily there are quite some scripts that add off-the-grid movement, mainly called "pixel movement". As that's kind of a BS term for something like that (it implies you can only travel per pixel, and most of the time it skips a few pixels anyway), I just give it a more general term.
Free Movement gives you freedom of movement in eight directions. I'd love to implement free movement in three dimensions, but the engine isn't built on 3D. Yet.
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Demo (1.5 MB, 923 times downloaded)
In essence, this script is plug-and-play, however, one can make minor to big tweaks to this script without having to touch the actual script. Most of the settings in the script are self-explanatory, however, there are two things that need explaining.
This script uses collision boxes to determine collisions. As not every sprite is of the same size, and even events have different shapes, I wanted to add a way to allow for these differences in size. At the moment there are only collision boxes for characters and events.
There are two kinds of collision boxes, the regular collision boxes and the interaction boxes, the latter being reserved for active player characters.
Collision boxes are for the regular collisions, like passability on terrain, or just regular touch events. There are three ways you can define a collsion box.
The first is using this script, and by either altering the default settings or creating a new collision list. This same collision list is used for the vehicles. To actually be able to use this list, you'll need to call it by using the following notetag on the actor:
<collisionbox: string>
You can also directly set the collision box on the actor:
<collisionbox: x, y, width, height>
Finally, since events don't use notetags, you can set the collisions using either a script, notetags placed on the map itself or comment tags on the event itself. For the script method I've added a method to the interpreter, so you can just run it directly from the event without having to find the event itself. There are two ways you can use the method.
set_collision_rect(string) set_collision_rect(x, y, width, height)
The first way calls the collision box from the collision list. The second directly sets the collision. Do note that collision boxes set this way aren't persistent, so when the map is reloaded, the script must be run again.
You can also use notetags on the map to define the collision box of the event. You'll also need to supply the event name so that it can identify which event should get the new collision box.
<collisionbox eventname: string> <collisionbox eventname: x, y, width, height>
To make it even more easy to implement collision boxes, you can use the following comment tags on the comment blocks in the event itself:
<collisionbox: string> <collisionbox: x, y, width, height>
You can use this in two ways. When placed on the first page, it acts as the default collision box. This can still be overridden by the map notetag or a script, but it's used as the default. However, when placed on a different page, it will use that comment page whenever that page is available. That means that you can actually use switches or variables to dynamically set the collision box without having to use scripts.
There are two ways to set an interaction box. One is by using the interaction list, just like how you set a collision list. Do note that each interaction entry contains eight values, each representing a direction. Note that the collisions are relative to the origin position plus 32 in the direction the interaction box is set, so you don't have to correct for that. To use a certain list, you can use the following notetag on the actor:
<interactionbox: string>
You can also directly set the collision box on the actor:
<interactionbox d: x, y, width, height>
Note that d is a number, representing a direction.
As it is sometimes hard to see if the collisions work as expected, you can enable debugging, which actually shows the collision boxes. Green boxes represent collision boxes, while the red box represents the interaction box.

Finally, there might be reasons to disable this script on certain maps. You can do so by changing the settings for auto-enable to false, or by using the following notetag in the map:
<free-movement-enabled true|false>
This setting has precedence over the global settings.
Collision Maps
You can find the original script, as well as the required DLL, here.
A great script that handles collision maps is Tsukihime's Collision Maps script. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with this script, which is why I basically had to work from scratch to make an implementation that would also work with my project. I did add compatibility for the aforementioned script though, so if you still want to use that script on maps that don't use the free movement, then you can still do so. Do make sure you place Tsukihime's script before this one.
Needless to say, you do need the DLL in order for it to work. You don't need to place it in any particular directory, though, as long as it isn't a modified DLL it will find it. However, if the DLL isn't found, any functionality surrounding Collision Maps will just be disabled.
In order to use collision maps, you can choose to use the following note tag in your maps:
<collision map> <collision map: collision_file>
When the former is used, it will use the map ID as the collision file, which defaults to Graphics/CollisionMaps/mapXXX, where XXX is a three digit number representing the map ID. Otherwise, it uses the name that's been given to the file.
You can also set the precision when loading the collision file, which normally is set to 1. The lower the value, the more precise it is. Note that this is mostly for optimization reasons, meaning if your collision map doesn't require pixel precision, you can increase it up to 32 pixels (which is the default for the original script).
<collision map precision: precision>
One final note, however. Using this can cause lag, especially with diagonal movement. I've tried to reduce this lag as much as possible, but as this requires quite some calculations, there might still be lag.
This script overrides several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded first. Do know that there is a possibility that this script will stop working due to that.
class Game_Player
- move_by_input
This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding these methods, otherwise this script stops working.
class Game_Map
- setup(map_id)
- check_passage(x, y, bit)
- refresh setup_events
- round_x_with_direction(x, d)
- round_y_with_direction(y, d)
class Game_CharacterBase
- initialize
- update
- check_event_trigger_touch_front
- passable?(x, y, d)
- diagonal_passable?(x, y, horz, vert)
- set_direction(d)
- move_straight(d, turn_ok = true)
- move_diagonal(horz, vert)
- collide_with_events?(x, y)
- collide_with_vehicles?(x, y)
- update_jump
- jump_height
class Game_Character
- process_move_command(command)
- move_random
- move_toward_character(character)
- move_away_from_character(character)
- move_forward
- move_backward
- jump(x_plus, y_plus)
class Game_Player
- initialize
- refresh
- perform_transfer
- make_encounter_count
- update_nonmoving(last_moving)
- start_map_event(x, y, triggers, normal, rect = collision_rect)
- check_event_trigger_there(triggers)
- get_on_vehicle
- get_off_vehicle
- map_passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect)
- move_diagonal(horz, vert)
- collide_with_vehicles?(x, y)
class Game_Event
- init_public_members
- update
- refresh
- collide_with_player_characters?(x, y)
- check_event_trigger_touch(x, y)
class Game_Followers
- move
class Game_Follower
- initialize(member_index, preceding_character)
- refresh
- chase_preceding_character
class Game_Vehicle
- land_ok?(x, y, d)
class Spriteset_Map (When debug is enabled)
- create_characters
- update_characters
Download Free Movement v0.86 (77.63 kB, 1868 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.86 (1.33 MB, 502 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.85 (74.44 kB, 1832 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.85 (1.33 MB, 506 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.84 (73.65 kB, 1652 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.84 (1.33 MB, 490 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.83 (66.25 kB, 1724 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.83 (1.33 MB, 446 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.82 (62.99 kB, 1765 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.82 (1.33 MB, 477 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.81 (60.22 kB, 1661 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.81 (1.33 MB, 489 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement v0.80 (59.45 kB, 1653 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement Demo v0.80 (1.33 MB, 483 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement wip1 (40.82 kB, 1695 times downloaded)
Download Free Movement wip2 (44.39 kB, 1655 times downloaded)
#============================================================================== # # GaryCXJk - Free Movement v0.87 # * Last Updated: 2013.10.28 # * Level: Medium # * Requires: N/A # * Optional: CXJ - AnimEx v1.01+ # CollisionMaps.dll # # Aditional credits: # * Tsukihime (When using the Collision Maps features) # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["CXJ-FreeMovement"] = true #============================================================================== # # Changelog: # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.10.28 - v0.87 # # * Added: Tsukihime's Collision Maps implementation # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.08.02 - v0.86 # # * Added: Follow types # * Fixed: Jumping not going in the right direction # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.07.06 - v0.85 # # * Fixed: Touch events get triggered when moving after transfers # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.06.09 - v0.84 # # * Added: Capabilities to disable Free Movement per map # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v0.83 # # * Added: Option to only let the closest event get triggered # * Added: Event comment tags for event collision boxes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v0.82 # # * Added: Map notetags for event collision boxes # * Fixed: In case the initializor of Game_CharacterBase gets overridden, the # script would fail on a certain check # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.11 - v0.81 # # * Fixed: Vehicles could be boarded even if not on the map # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.11 - v0.80 # # * Initial release # #============================================================================== # # RPG Maker VX Ace is mainly constrained to the grid. Luckily there are quite # some scripts that add off-the-grid movement, mainly called "pixel movement". # As that's kind of a BS term for something like that (it implies you can only # travel per pixel, and most of the time it skips a few pixels anyway), I just # give it a more general term. # # Free Movement gives you freedom of movement in eight directions. I'd love to # implement free movement in three dimensions, but the engine isn't built on # 3D. Yet. # #============================================================================== # # Installation: # # Make sure to put this below Materials, but above Main Process. # # This script overrides several methods. If you are sure no method that is # used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, # make sure this script is loaded first. Do know that there is a possibility # that this script will stop working due to that. # # This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that # is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, # otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding # these methods, otherwise this script stops working. # # This script has additional functionality and / or compatibility with other # scripts. In order to benefit the most out of it, it is advised to place this # script after the others. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Overridden functions: # # * class Game_Player # - move_by_input # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aliased methods: # # * class Game_Map # - setup(map_id) # - check_passage(x, y, bit) # - refresh setup_events # - round_x_with_direction(x, d) # - round_y_with_direction(y, d) # * class Game_CharacterBase # - initialize # - update # - check_event_trigger_touch_front # - passable?(x, y, d) # - diagonal_passable?(x, y, horz, vert) # - set_direction(d) # - move_straight(d, turn_ok = true) # - move_diagonal(horz, vert) # - collide_with_events?(x, y) # - collide_with_vehicles?(x, y) # - update_jump # - jump_height # * class Game_Character # - process_move_command(command) # - move_random # - move_toward_character(character) # - move_away_from_character(character) # - move_forward # - move_backward # - jump(x_plus, y_plus) # * class Game_Player # - initialize # - refresh # - perform_transfer # - make_encounter_count # - update_nonmoving(last_moving) # - start_map_event(x, y, triggers, normal, rect = collision_rect) # - check_event_trigger_there(triggers) # - get_on_vehicle # - get_off_vehicle # - map_passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect) # - move_diagonal(horz, vert) # - collide_with_vehicles?(x, y) # * class Game_Event # - init_public_members # - update # - refresh # - collide_with_player_characters?(x, y) # - check_event_trigger_touch(x, y) # * class Game_Followers # - move # * class Game_Follower # - initialize(member_index, preceding_character) # - refresh # - chase_preceding_character # * class Game_Vehicle # - land_ok?(x, y, d) # * class Spriteset_Map (When debug is enabled) # - create_characters # - update_characters # #============================================================================== # # Usage: # # In essence, this script is plug-and-play, however, one can make minor to # big tweaks to this script without having to touch the actual script. Most of # the settings in the script are self-explanatory, however, there are two # things that need explaining. # # This script uses collision boxes to determine collisions. As not every sprite # is of the same size, and even events have different shapes, I wanted to add # a way to allow for these differences in size. At the moment there are only # collision boxes for characters and events. # # There are two kinds of collision boxes, the regular collision boxes and the # interaction boxes, the latter being reserved for active player characters. # # Collision boxes are for the regular collisions, like passability on terrain, # or just regular touch events. There are four ways you can define a collsion # box. # # The first is using this script, and by either altering the default settings # or creating a new collision list. This same collision list is used for the # vehicles. To actually be able to use this list, you'll need to call it by # using the following notetag on the actor: # # <collisionbox: string> # # You can also directly set the collision box on the actor: # # <collisionbox: x, y, width, height> # # Finally, since events don't use notetags, you can set the collisions using # either a script, notetags placed on the map itself or comment tags on the # event itself. For the script method I've added a method to the interpreter, # so you can just run it directly from the event without having to find the # event itself. There are two ways you can use the method. # # set_collision_rect(string) # set_collision_rect(x, y, width, height) # # The first way calls the collision box from the collision list. The second # directly sets the collision. Do note that collision boxes set this way aren't # persistent, so when the map is reloaded, the script must be run again. # # You can also use notetags on the map to define the collision box of the # event. You'll also need to supply the event name so that it can identify # which event should get the new collision box. # # <collisionbox eventname: string> # <collisionbox eventname: x, y, width, height> # # To make it even more easy to implement collision boxes, you can use the # following comment tags on the comment blocks in the event itself: # # <collisionbox: string> # <collisionbox: x, y, width, height> # # You can use this in two ways. When placed on the first page, it acts as the # default collision box. This can still be overridden by the map notetag or # a script, but it's used as the default. However, when placed on a different # page, it will use that comment page whenever that page is available. That # means that you can actually use switches or variables to dynamically set # the collision box without having to use scripts. # # There are two ways to set an interaction box. One is by using the interaction # list, just like how you set a collision list. Do note that each interaction # entry contains eight values, each representing a direction. Note that the # collisions are relative to the origin position plus 32 in the direction the # interaction box is set, so you don't have to correct for that. To use a # certain list, you can use the following notetag on the actor: # # <interactionbox: string> # # You can also directly set the collision box on the actor: # # <interactionbox d: x, y, width, height> # # Note that d is a number, representing a direction. # # As it is sometimes hard to see if the collisions work as expected, you can # enable debugging, which actually shows the collision boxes. Green boxes # represent collision boxes, while the red box represents the interaction box. # # Finally, there might be reasons to disable this script on certain maps. You # can do so by changing the settings for auto-enable to false, or by using the # following notetag in the map: # # <free-movement-enabled true|false> # # This setting has precedence over the global settings. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collision Maps # # A great script that handles collision maps is Tsukihime's Collision Maps # script. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with this script, which is why I # basically had to work from scratch to make an implementation that would also # work with my project. I did add compatibility for the aforementioned script # though, so if you still want to use that script on maps that don't use the # free movement, then you can still do so. Do make sure you place Tsukihime's # script before this one. # # Needless to say, you do need the DLL in order for it to work. You don't need # to place it in any particular directory, though, as long as it isn't a # modified DLL it will find it. However, if the DLL isn't found, any # functionality surrounding Collision Maps will just be disabled. # # http://himeworks.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/collision-maps/ # # In order to use collision maps, you can choose to use the following note tag # in your maps: # # <collision map> # <collision map: collision_file> # # When the former is used, it will use the map ID as the collision file, which # defaults to Graphics/CollisionMaps/mapXXX, where XXX is a three digit number # representing the map ID. Otherwise, it uses the name that's been given to # the file. # # You can also set the precision when loading the collision file, which # normally is set to 1. The lower the value, the more precise it is. Note # that this is mostly for optimization reasons, meaning if your collision map # doesn't require pixel precision, you can increase it up to 32 pixels (which # is the default for the original script). # # <collision map precision: precision> # # One final note, however. Using this can cause lag, especially with diagonal # movement. I've tried to reduce this lag as much as possible, but as this # requires quite some calculations, there might still be lag. # #============================================================================== # # License: # # Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported # # The complete license can be read here: # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode # # The license as it is described below can be read here: # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed # # You are free: # # to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work # to Remix — to adapt the work # to make commercial use of the work # # Under the following conditions: # # Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the # author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or # your use of the work). # # With the understanding that: # # Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from # the copyright holder. # # Public Domain — Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain # under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. # # Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the # license: # # * Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright # exceptions and limitations; # * The author's moral rights; # * Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work # is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. # # Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the # license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this # web page. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extra notes: # # Despite what the license tells you, I will not hunt down anybody who doesn't # follow the license in regards to giving credits. However, as it is common # courtesy to actually do give credits, it is recommended that you do. # # As I picked this license, you are free to share this script through any # means, which includes hosting it on your own website, selling it on eBay and # hang it in the bathroom as toilet paper. Well, not selling it on eBay, that's # a dick move, but you are still free to redistribute the work. # # Yes, this license means that you can use it for both non-commercial as well # as commercial software. # # You are free to pick the following names when you give credit: # # * GaryCXJk # * Gary A.M. Kertopermono # * G.A.M. Kertopermono # * GARYCXJK # # Personally, when used in commercial games, I prefer you would use the second # option. Not only will it actually give me more name recognition in real # life, which also works well for my portfolio, it will also look more # professional. Also, do note that I actually care about capitalization if you # decide to use my username, meaning, capital C, capital X, capital J, lower # case k. Yes, it might seem stupid, but it's one thing I absolutely care # about. # # Finally, if you want my endorsement for your product, if it's good enough # and I have the game in my posession, I might endorse it. Do note that if you # give me the game for free, it will not affect my opinion of the game. It # would be nice, but if I really did care for the game I'd actually purchase # it. Remember, the best way to get any satisfaction is if you get people to # purchase the game, so in a way, I prefer it if you don't actually give me # a free copy. # # This script was originally hosted on: # http://area91.multiverseworks.com # # Don't forget to also credit: # * Tsukihime (When using the Collision Maps features) # #============================================================================== # # The code below defines the settings of this script, and are there to be # modified. # #============================================================================== module CXJ module FREE_MOVEMENT # Auto-enable Free Movement AUTO_ENABLE = true # Enables diagonal movement. ENABLE_DIAGONAL = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The collision box for actors and vehicles. # The key defines the name of the list. The values themselves represent # the x and y of the starting position, and the width and height of the # box. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLISION = {} COLLISION["DEFAULT"] = [8, 12, 16, 20] COLLISION["BOAT"] = [4, 4, 24, 24] COLLISION["SHIP"] = [2, 2, 28, 28] COLLISION["AIRSHIP"] = [4, 4, 24, 24] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The interaction boxes for player characters. # The key defines the name of the list. Each list contains eight values, # each being separate key-value pairs, where the key is a direction and # the values the x and y of the starting position, and the width and # height of the box. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERACTION = {} INTERACTION["DEFAULT"] = { 1 => [24, -8, 24, 24], 2 => [4, 0, 24, 24], 3 => [-16, -8, 24, 24], 4 => [16, 10, 24, 24], 6 => [-8, 10, 24, 24], 7 => [24, 28, 24, 24], 8 => [4, 20, 24, 24], 9 => [-16, 28, 24, 24], } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collision Map support. # This part defines the settings for Collision Map. You can find the # original script here: # # http://himeworks.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/collision-maps/ # # I've made this script from scratch mostly for compatibility reasons. # Do note that using this isn't really recommended due to it eating more # resources. I did try to make it a little less heavy, but since it will # use a per-pixel check, you'll have to be careful with it. Also, this # might cause memory issues when using big bitmaps. # # Make sure to also download the DLL from that site. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Base collision map path COLLISION_MAP_BASE_PATH = "Graphics/CollisionMaps/%s" # Collision map path when using the map id as identifier COLLISION_MAP_ID_PATH = "Graphics/CollisionMaps/map%03d" # Default precision (higher = faster, lower = more precise) COLLISION_MAP_DEFAULT_PRECISION = 32 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Miscellaneous settings. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The amount of pixels per step the character can move. PIXELS_PER_STEP = 2 # The distance between followers. FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE = 32 # The margin between which followers try to correct their distance. FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE_MARGIN = 2 # The speed of the jump animation, in relationship to the original jump # speed. JUMP_SPEED = 0.5 # Jump height. Set to 0 to let the jump height be dependent on the jump # length. In pixels. MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT = 32 # Determines if only the closest event is triggered. ONLY_TRIGGER_CLOSEST = true # Allows you to enable or disable follower collision. FOLLOWER_THROUGH = false # The way followers follow. Set to nil or a non-existent type to make # followers use the shortest distance. # :trace - Followers always retrace your steps FOLLOW_TYPE = :trace # Debug variables. SHOW_COLLISION_BOXES = false end end #============================================================================== # # The code below should not be altered unless you know what you're doing. # #============================================================================== module CXJ module FREE_MOVEMENT module COLLISION_MAPS # A list of checksums that are valid for the Collision Maps DLL. VALID_CHECKSUMS = [ 0xf48f232a ] MAKE_COLLISION_TABLE = Proc.new {} @@collision_maps_dll = nil def self.collision_maps_dll return @@collision_maps_dll unless @@collision_maps_dll.nil? return nil if @@collision_maps_dll == "" file_list = Dir.glob("**/CollisionMaps.dll") if file_list.empty? @@collision_maps_dll = "" return nil end file_list.each do |file| crc32 = File.open(file) { |f| Zlib.crc32 f.read } if VALID_CHECKSUMS.include?(crc32) @@collision_maps_dll = file return file end end @@collision_maps_dll = "" return nil end unless collision_maps_dll.nil? MAKE_COLLISION_TABLE = Win32API.new(collision_maps_dll, "makeCollisionTable", ["L", "L", "L", "L"], "") end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Checks if the CollisionMaps.dll is present #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.is_enabled? return !collision_maps_dll.nil? end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Makes a collision table #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.make_collision_table(bmp, precision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAP_DEFAULT_PRECISION) table = Table.new(bmp.width, bmp.height, 1) MAKE_COLLISION_TABLE.call(bmp.__id__, table.__id__, precision, precision) return table end end end end #============================================================================== # ** Cache #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This module loads graphics, creates bitmap objects, and retains them. # To speed up load times and conserve memory, this module holds the # created bitmap object in the internal hash, allowing the program to # return preexisting objects when the same bitmap is requested again. #============================================================================== module Cache def self.load_collision_map(map_id, mapname, precision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAP_DEFAULT_PRECISION) @fm_collision_map_cache||= {} return @fm_collision_map_cache[map_id] if @fm_collision_map_cache[map_id] bmp = Bitmap.new(mapname) @fm_collision_map_cache[map_id] = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAPS.make_collision_table(bmp, precision) bmp.dispose return @fm_collision_map_cache[map_id] end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Map #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles maps. It includes scrolling and passage determination # functions. The instance of this class is referenced by $game_map. #============================================================================== class Game_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_setup_fm setup def setup(map_id) game_map_setup_fm(map_id) fm_enabled = 0 @collision_map_name = "" @collision_map_precision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAP_DEFAULT_PRECISION @map.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| if line =~ /\s*<free[ -]movement[ -]enabled (true|false)>\s*/i fm_enabled = ($1 == "true" ? 1 : -1); else if CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAPS.is_enabled? if line =~ /\s*<collision[-_ ]map>\s*/i @collision_map_name = sprintf(CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAP_ID_PATH, map_id) elsif line =~ /\s*<collision[-_ ]map:\s+(.+?)>\s*/i @collision_map_name = sprintf(CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION_MAP_BASE_PATH, $1) elsif line =~ /\s*<collision[-_ ]map[-_ ]precision:\s+(\d+)>\s*/i @collision_map_precision = $1.to_i end end end } if(fm_enabled == 0) @free_movement_enabled = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::AUTO_ENABLE else @free_movement_enabled = (fm_enabled > 0 ? true : false) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Check if it's the Free Movement map class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def free_movement_enabled? return @free_movement_enabled end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get the bitmap name of the collision map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_map_name return @collision_map_name end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get the precision of the collision map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_map_precision return @collision_map_precision end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Checks if the collision map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_map_enabled? return !collision_map_name.empty? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get the collision map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_map return nil if collision_map_name.empty? begin table = Cache.load_collision_map(@map_id, collision_map_name, collision_map_precision) rescue p [$!, @collision_map_name] @collision_map_name = "" return nil end return table end def collision_map_passable?(x, y) colmap = collision_map return true if colmap.nil? return collision_map[x, y, 0] == 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine Valid Coordinates #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def valid_rect?(x, y, rect) x2 = x + (rect.x / 32.0) y2 = y + (rect.y / 32.0) x3 = x2 + ((rect.width - 1) / 32.0) y3 = y2 + ((rect.height - 1) / 32.0) round_x(x2) >= 0 && round_x(x3) < width && round_y(y2) >= 0 && round_y(y3) < height end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Check Passage # bit: Inhibit passage check bit #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_check_passage_cxj_fm check_passage def check_passage(x, y, bit) if(free_movement_enabled?) x = round_x(x) y = round_y(y) all_tiles(x.floor, y.floor).each do |tile_id| flag = tileset.flags[tile_id] next if flag & 0x10 != 0 # [☆]: No effect on passage return true if flag & bit == 0 # [○] : Passable return false if flag & bit == bit # [×] : Impassable end return false # Impassable else if collision_map_enabled? && !$imported["TH_CollisionMapOverlay"] x = x * 32 y = y * 32 return collision_map_passable?(x, y) end return game_map_check_passage_cxj_fm(x, y, bit) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Check Passage Using Collision Maps #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_passage_collision_maps(x, y, x2, y2) (y2 - y).times do |h| (x2 - x).times do |w| return false unless collision_map_passable?(x + w, y + h) end end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine Passability of Normal Character # d: direction (2,4,6,8) # Determines whether the tile at the specified coordinates is passable # in the specified direction. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect) x2 = x + (rect.x / 32.0) y2 = y + (rect.y / 32.0) x3 = x2 + ((rect.width - 1) / 32.0) y3 = y2 + ((rect.height - 1) / 32.0) x4 = (x2 + x3) / 2.0 y4 = (y2 + y3) / 2.0 if((x2.floor != x3.floor && [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9].include?(d)) || (y2.floor != y3.floor && [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9].include?(d))) return false if ([1, 2, 3].include?(d) && !check_passage(x2, y2, 1)) || ([3, 6, 9].include?(d) && !check_passage(x2, y2, 4)) return false if ([3, 6, 9].include?(d) && !check_passage(x2, y3, 4)) || ([7, 8, 9].include?(d) && !check_passage(x2, y3, 8)) return false if ([1, 2, 3].include?(d) && !check_passage(x3, y2, 1)) || ([1, 4, 7].include?(d) && !check_passage(x3, y2, 2)) return false if ([1, 4, 7].include?(d) && !check_passage(x3, y3, 2)) || ([7, 8, 9].include?(d) && !check_passage(x3, y3, 8)) end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Passable by Boat #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def boat_passable_rect?(x, y, rect) x2 = x + (rect.x / 32.0) y2 = y + (rect.y / 32.0) x3 = x2 + ((rect.width - 1) / 32.0) y3 = y2 + ((rect.height - 1) / 32.0) return false unless check_passage(x2, y2, 0x0200) return false unless check_passage(x2, y3, 0x0200) return false unless check_passage(x3, y2, 0x0200) return check_passage(x3, y3, 0x0200) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Passable by Ship #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ship_passable_rect?(x, y, rect) x2 = x + (rect.x / 32.0) y2 = y + (rect.y / 32.0) x3 = x2 + ((rect.width - 1) / 32.0) y3 = y2 + ((rect.height - 1) / 32.0) return false unless check_passage(x2, y2, 0x0400) return false unless check_passage(x2, y3, 0x0400) return false unless check_passage(x3, y2, 0x0400) return check_passage(x3, y3, 0x0400) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Airship can Land #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def airship_land_ok_rect?(x, y, rect) x2 = x + (rect.x / 32.0) y2 = y + (rect.y / 32.0) x3 = x2 + ((rect.width - 1) / 32.0) y3 = y2 + ((rect.height - 1) / 32.0) return false unless check_passage(x2, y2, 0x0800) && check_passage(x2, y2, 0x0f) return false unless check_passage(x2, y3, 0x0800) && check_passage(x2, y3, 0x0f) return false unless check_passage(x3, y2, 0x0800) && check_passage(x3, y2, 0x0f) return check_passage(x3, y3, 0x0800) && check_passage(x3, y3, 0x0f) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_refresh_cxj_fm refresh def refresh game_map_refresh_cxj_fm refresh_event_collision end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Event Setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_setup_events_cxj_fm setup_events def setup_events game_map_setup_events_cxj_fm refresh_event_collision end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Refresh Event Collision #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_event_collision if(free_movement_enabled?) temp_list = {} @map.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| collision = [] event_name = '' case line when /<collisionbox (.+?):[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)>/i collision = [$2, $3, $4, $5] event_name = $1 when /<collisionbox (.+?):[ ]*(.+?)>/i collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$2] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$2].nil? event_name = $1 end if !event_name.empty? && !collision.empty? temp_list[event_name] = collision end } @events.each_value {|event| if temp_list.has_key?(event.name) collision = temp_list[event.name] event.set_collision_rect(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end } end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Array of Events at Designated Coordinates #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def events_xy_rect(x, y, rect) @events.values.select {|event| event.pos_rect?(x, y, rect) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Array of Events at Designated Coordinates (Except Pass-Through) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def events_xy_rect_nt(x, y, rect) @events.values.select {|event| event.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, rect) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Array of Tile-Handling Events at Designated Coordinates # (Except Pass-Through) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tile_events_xy_rect(x, y, rect) @tile_events.select {|event| event.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, rect) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Calculate X Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction # (With Loop Adjustment) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_round_x_with_direction_cxj_fm round_x_with_direction def round_x_with_direction(x, d) if(free_movement_enabled?) round_x(x + ((d - 1) % 3 - 1)) else game_map_round_x_with_direction_cxj_fm(x, d) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Calculate Y Coordinate Shifted One Tile in Specific Direction # (With Loop Adjustment) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_map_round_y_with_direction_cxj_fm round_y_with_direction def round_y_with_direction(y, d) if(free_movement_enabled?) round_y(y + (1 - ((d - 1) / 3))) else game_map_round_y_with_direction_cxj_fm(y, d) end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_CharacterBase #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This base class handles characters. It retains basic information, such as # coordinates and graphics, shared by all characters. #============================================================================== class Game_CharacterBase attr_accessor :move_poll #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_initialize_cxj_fm initialize def initialize game_characterbase_initialize_cxj_fm @old_x = @real_x @old_y = @real_y @pos_list = [] @move_poll = [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Frame Update # # Added processing of movement being polled. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_update_cxj_fm update def update @old_x = @real_x @old_y = @real_y if($game_map.free_movement_enabled?) interpret_move unless moving? end game_characterbase_update_cxj_fm end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Pos List Length #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pos_list_size @pos_list.size end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Coordinates From Pos List #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_coords_from_pos_list return @pos_list.shift end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Clear Pos List #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_pos_list @pos_list.clear end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Movement Interpreting # Interprets the polled movement. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def interpret_move(step_left = distance_per_frame) @move_poll = [] if @move_poll.nil? if @move_poll.size > 0 current_move = @move_poll.shift() d = current_move[0] horz = (d - 1) % 3 - 1 vert = 1 - ((d - 1) / 3) turn_ok = current_move[1] set_direction(d) if turn_ok check_event_trigger_touch_front processed = false if (d % 2 == 0 && passable?(@x, @y, d)) || (d % 2 != 0 && diagonal_passable?(@x, @y, horz, vert)) process_move(horz, vert) processed = true elsif d % 2 != 0 && !diagonal_passable?(@x, @y, horz, vert) if passable?(@x, @y, horz + 5) set_direction(horz + 5) if turn_ok process_move(horz, 0) processed = true end if passable?(@x, @y, 5 - vert * 3) set_direction(5 - vert * 3) if turn_ok process_move(0, vert) processed = true end end if(processed) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 if(step_left > pixelstep && !@move_poll.empty?) interpret_move(step_left - pixelstep) elsif(jumping? && !@move_poll.empty?) interpret_move(0) end else @move_poll.clear end current_move end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Processes Movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_move(horz, vert) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 @x = @x + horz * pixelstep @y = @y + vert * pixelstep @pos_list.push({:x => @real_x, :y => @real_y}) @pos_list.shift if @pos_list.size > CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE * 2 if(!jumping?) @x = $game_map.round_x(@x) @y = $game_map.round_y(@y) @real_x = @x - horz * pixelstep @real_y = @y - vert * pixelstep increase_steps end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine Triggering of Frontal Touch Event #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_check_event_trigger_touch_front_cxj_fm check_event_trigger_touch_front def check_event_trigger_touch_front if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? d = @direction horz = (d - 1) % 3 - 1 vert = 1 - ((d - 1) / 3) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 x2 = $game_map.round_x(x + horz * pixelstep) y2 = $game_map.round_y(y + vert * pixelstep) check_event_trigger_touch(x2, y2) else game_characterbase_check_event_trigger_touch_front_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Collision Rectangle # Gets the collision rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_rect collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION["DEFAULT"] return Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine if Passable # d : Direction (2,4,6,8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_passable_cxj_fm? passable? def passable?(x, y, d) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? horz = (d - 1) % 3 - 1 vert = 1 - ((d - 1) / 3) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 x2 = $game_map.round_x(x + horz * pixelstep) y2 = $game_map.round_y(y + vert * pixelstep) return false unless $game_map.valid_rect?(x2, y2, collision_rect) return true if @through || debug_through? if $game_map.collision_map_enabled? return false unless map_check_passage_collision_maps(x, y, d, collision_rect) return false unless map_check_passage_collision_maps(x2, y2, reverse_dir(d), collision_rect) else return false unless map_passable_rect?(x, y, d, collision_rect) return false unless map_passable_rect?(x2, y2, reverse_dir(d), collision_rect) end return false if collide_with_characters?(x2, y2) return true else return game_characterbase_passable_cxj_fm?(x, y, d) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine Diagonal Passability # horz : Horizontal (4 or 6) # vert : Vertical (2 or 8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_diagonal_passable_cxj_fm? diagonal_passable? def diagonal_passable?(x, y, horz, vert) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 x2 = $game_map.round_x(x + horz * pixelstep) y2 = $game_map.round_y(y + vert * pixelstep) d = (horz == 4 ? -1 : 1) + (vert == 2 ? -3 : 3) + 5 return passable?(x2, y2, d) && ($game_map.collision_map_enabled? || (passable?(x2, y2, horz) && passable?(x2, y2, vert))) else return game_characterbase_diagonal_passable_cxj_fm?(x, y, horz, vert) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Map is Passable # d : Direction (2,4,6,8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def map_passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect) $game_map.passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Map is Passable (using Collision Maps) # d : Direction (2,4,6,8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def map_check_passage_collision_maps(x, y, d, rect) horz = (d - 1) % 3 - 1 vert = 1 - ((d - 1) / 3) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 x2 = $game_map.round_x(x + horz * pixelstep) y2 = $game_map.round_y(y + vert * pixelstep) if [2,4,6,8].include?(d) x3 = (x2 > x ? x + collision_rect.width / 32.0 : x) + collision_rect.x / 32.0 y3 = (y2 > y ? y + collision_rect.height / 32.0 : y) + collision_rect.y / 32.0 x4 = (x2 > x ? x2 + collision_rect.width / 32.0 : (x2 < x ? x2 : x + collision_rect.width / 32.0)) + collision_rect.x / 32.0 y4 = (y2 > y ? y2 + collision_rect.height / 32.0 : (y2 < y ? y2 : y + collision_rect.height / 32.0)) + collision_rect.y / 32.0 else x3 = x2 + collision_rect.x / 32.0 y3 = y2 + collision_rect.y / 32.0 x4 = x2 + collision_rect.x / 32.0 + collision_rect.width / 32.0 y4 = y2 + collision_rect.y / 32.0 + collision_rect.height / 32.0 end if x4 < x3 x5 = x4 x4 = x3 x3 = x5 end if y4 < y3 y5 = y4 y4 = y3 y3 = y5 end x3 = (x3 * 32).floor y3 = (y3 * 32).floor x4 = (x4 * 32).ceil y4 = (y4 * 32).ceil $game_map.check_passage_collision_maps(x3, y3, x4, y4) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Change Direction to Designated Direction # d : Direction (2,4,6,8) # # Fix for diagonal movement. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_set_direction_cxj_fm set_direction def set_direction(d) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? if !@direction_fix && d != 0 @direction = d if d % 2 != 0 && (!$imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] || !@has_diagonal) @direction+= 1 @direction-= 2 if d > 5 @direction = 10 - direction if d > 2 && d < 8 end end @stop_count = 0 else game_characterbase_set_direction_cxj_fm(d) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move Straight # d: Direction (2,4,6,8) # turn_ok : Allows change of direction on the spot # # Polls the movement instead of processing them immediately. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_move_straight_cxj_fm move_straight def move_straight(d, turn_ok = true) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 @move_poll+= [[d, turn_ok]] * (distance_per_frame / pixelstep).ceil else game_characterbase_move_straight_cxj_fm(d, turn_ok) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move Diagonally # horz: Horizontal (4 or 6) # vert: Vertical (2 or 8) # # Polls the movement instead of processing them immediately. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_move_diagonal_cxj_fm move_diagonal def move_diagonal(horz, vert) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 @move_poll+= [[vert + (horz > 5 ? 1 : -1), true]] * (distance_per_frame / pixelstep).ceil else game_characterbase_move_diagonal_cxj_fm(horz, vert) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine Coordinate Match #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pos_rect?(x, y, rect) main_left = @x + collision_rect.x / 32.0 main_top = @y + collision_rect.y / 32.0 main_right = main_left + (collision_rect.width - 1) / 32.0 main_bottom = main_top + (collision_rect.height - 1) / 32.0 other_left = x + rect.x / 32.0 other_top = y + rect.y / 32.0 other_right = other_left + (rect.width - 1) / 32.0 other_bottom = other_top + (rect.height - 1) / 32.0 coltest = true coltest = false if main_right < other_left coltest = false if main_left > other_right coltest = false if main_bottom < other_top coltest = false if main_top > other_bottom if coltest == false && ($game_map.loop_horizontal? || $game_map.loop_vertical?) && x <= $game_map.width && y <= $game_map.height return true if $game_map.loop_horizontal? && pos_rect?(x + $game_map.width, y, rect) return true if $game_map.loop_vertical? && pos_rect?(x, y + $game_map.height, rect) end return coltest end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Coordinates Match and Pass-Through Is Off (nt = No Through) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pos_rect_nt?(x, y, rect) pos_rect?(x, y, rect) && !@through end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Detect Collision with Event #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_collide_with_events_cxj_fm? collide_with_events? def collide_with_events?(x, y) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? $game_map.events_xy_rect_nt(x, y, collision_rect).any? do |event| (event.normal_priority? || self.is_a?(Game_Event)) && event != self end else game_characterbase_collide_with_events_cxj_fm?(x, y) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Detect Collision with Vehicle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_collide_with_vehicles_cxj_fm? collide_with_vehicles? def collide_with_vehicles?(x, y) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? $game_map.boat.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, collision_rect) || $game_map.ship.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, collision_rect) else game_characterbase_collide_with_vehicles_cxj_fm?(x, y) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Update While Jumping #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_update_jump_cxj_fm update_jump def update_jump if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? @jump_count -= 1 diff_x = @real_x @real_x = (@real_x * @jump_count + @x) / (@jump_count + 1.0) @real_y = (@real_y * @jump_count + @y) / (@jump_count + 1.0) update_bush_depth if @jump_count == 0 @real_x = @x = $game_map.round_x(@x) @real_y = @y = $game_map.round_y(@y) end else game_characterbase_update_jump_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Calculate Jump Height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_characterbase_jump_height_cxj_fm jump_height def jump_height if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? ((@jump_peak * @jump_peak - (@jump_count * CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::JUMP_SPEED - @jump_peak).abs ** 2) / 2) * (CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT > 0 && @jump_peak > 0 ? (CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT * 2.0) / (@jump_peak ** 2) : 1) else game_characterbase_jump_height_cxj_fm end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Character #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # A character class with mainly movement route and other such processing # added. It is used as a super class of Game_Player, Game_Follower, # GameVehicle, and Game_Event. #============================================================================== class Game_Character < Game_CharacterBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move at Random #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_move_random_cxj_fm move_random def move_random if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? @move_poll+= [[2 + rand(4) * 2, true]] * ((24.0 + (rand(160) / 10) ) / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else game_character_move_random_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move Toward Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_move_toward_character_cxj_fm move_toward_character def move_toward_character(character) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? sx = distance_x_from(character.x) sy = distance_y_from(character.y) if sx.abs > sy.abs if passable?(@x, @y, (sx > 0 ? 4 : 6)) @move_poll+= [[sx > 0 ? 4 : 6, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else @move_poll+= [[sy > 0 ? 8 : 2, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil end elsif sy != 0 if passable?(@x, @y, (sy > 0 ? 8 : 2)) @move_poll+= [[sy > 0 ? 8 : 2, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else @move_poll+= [[sx > 0 ? 4 : 6, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil end end else game_character_move_toward_character_cxj_fm(character) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move Away from Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_move_away_from_character_cxj_fm move_away_from_character def move_away_from_character(character) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? sx = distance_x_from(character.x) sy = distance_y_from(character.y) if sx.abs > sy.abs if passable?(@x, @y, (sx > 0 ? 6 : 4)) @move_poll+= [[sx > 0 ? 6 : 4, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else @move_poll+= [[sy > 0 ? 2 : 8, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil end elsif sy != 0 if passable?(@x, @y, (sy > 0 ? 2 : 8)) @move_poll+= [[sy > 0 ? 2 : 8, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else @move_poll+= [[sx > 0 ? 6 : 4, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil end end else game_character_move_away_from_character_cxj_fm(character) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: 1 Step Forward #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_move_forward_cxj_fm move_forward def move_forward if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? @move_poll+= [[@direction, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else game_character_move_forward_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: 1 Step Backward #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_move_backward_cxj_fm move_backward def move_backward if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? last_direction_fix = @direction_fix @direction_fix = true @move_poll+= [[reverse_dir(@direction), false]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil @direction_fix = last_direction_fix else game_character_move_backward_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Jump # x_plus : x-coordinate plus value # y_plus : y-coordinate plus value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_jump_cxj_fm jump def jump(x_plus, y_plus) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? #if x_plus.abs > y_plus.abs # set_direction(x_plus < 0 ? 4 : 6) if x_plus != 0 #else # set_direction(y_plus < 0 ? 8 : 2) if y_plus != 0 #end distance = Math.sqrt(x_plus * x_plus + y_plus * y_plus).round pollcount = distance * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil #@move_poll+= [[(x_plus < 0 ? -1 : x_plus > 0 ? 1 : 0) + (y_plus < 0 ? 8 : y_plus > 0 ? 2 : 5), false]] * pollcount @x+= x_plus @y+= y_plus @jump_peak = 10 + distance - @move_speed @jump_count = @jump_peak / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::JUMP_SPEED * 2 @stop_count = 0 straighten else game_character_jump_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Process Move Command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_character_process_move_command_cxj_fm process_move_command def process_move_command(command) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? case command.code when ROUTE_MOVE_DOWN; @move_poll+= [[2, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_LEFT; @move_poll+= [[4, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_RIGHT; @move_poll+= [[6, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_UP; @move_poll+= [[8, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_L; @move_poll+= [[1, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_LOWER_R; @move_poll+= [[3, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_L; @move_poll+= [[7, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil when ROUTE_MOVE_UPPER_R; @move_poll+= [[9, true]] * (32.0 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP).ceil else; game_character_process_move_command_cxj_fm(command) end else game_character_process_move_command_cxj_fm(command) end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Player #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles the player. It includes event starting determinants and # map scrolling functions. The instance of this class is referenced by # $game_player. #============================================================================== class Game_Player < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_initialize_cxj_fm initialize def initialize @last_poll = [] game_player_initialize_cxj_fm @custom_collision = nil @interaction = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::INTERACTION["DEFAULT"] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_refresh_cxj_fm refresh def refresh game_player_refresh_cxj_fm return if actor.nil? || !$game_map.free_movement_enabled? @custom_collision = nil @interaction = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::INTERACTION["DEFAULT"] actor.actor.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)>/i @custom_collision = Rect.new($1, $2, $3, $4) when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(.+?)>/i collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1].nil? @custom_collision = Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) when /<interactionbox (\d+):[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)>/i @interaction[$1] = [$2, $3, $4, $5] if $1 > 0 && $1 < 10 when /<interactionbox:[ ]*(.+?)>/i @interaction = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::INTERACTION[$1] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::INTERACTION[$1].nil? end } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Execute Player Transfer #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_perform_transfer_cxj_fm perform_transfer def perform_transfer is_transfer = transfer? game_player_perform_transfer_cxj_fm if is_transfer && $game_map.free_movement_enabled? @pos_list.clear @followers.clear_pos_list $game_map.events_xy_rect(x, y, collision_rect).each do |event| if event.trigger_in?([1,2]) && event.normal_priority? == false event.add_touch(self) end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Movement Interpreting # Interprets the polled movement. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def interpret_move(step_left = distance_per_frame) current_move = super(step_left) @last_poll.push(current_move) if !current_move.nil? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Collision Rectangle # Gets the collision rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_rect key = @vehicle_type.id2name.upcase if @vehicle_type != :walk && !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[key].nil? collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[key] return Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2] - 1, collision[3] - 1) end return @custom_collision if !@custom_collision.nil? return super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Interaction Rectangle # Gets the interaction rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def interaction_rect collision = @interaction[@direction] if collision.nil? return collision_rect end return Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Processing of Movement via Input from Directional Buttons # # Added diagonal movement. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def move_by_input return if !movable? || $game_map.interpreter.running? if CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::ENABLE_DIAGONAL && Input.dir8 > 0 && Input.dir8 % 2 != 0 d = Input.dir8 horz = (d == 1 || d == 7 ? 4 : 6) vert = (d == 1 || d == 3 ? 2 : 8) move_diagonal(horz, vert) elsif Input.dir4 > 0 move_straight(Input.dir4) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Detect Collision (Including Followers) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collide_rect?(x, y, rect) !@through && (pos_rect?(x, y, rect) || followers.collide_rect?(x, y, rect)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Trigger Map Event # triggers : Trigger array # normal : Is priority set to [Same as Characters] ? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_start_map_event_cxj_fm start_map_event def start_map_event(x, y, triggers, normal, rect = collision_rect) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? return if $game_map.interpreter.running? event_list = {} $game_map.events_xy_rect(x, y, rect).each do |event| if event.trigger_in?(triggers) && event.normal_priority? == normal if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::ONLY_TRIGGER_CLOSEST event.start unless event.is_touching?(self) event.add_touch(self) else dist_x = event.distance_x_from(@x) dist_y = event.distance_y_from(@y) event_list[event] = Math.hypot(dist_x, dist_y) unless event.is_touching?(self) end end end if !event_list.empty? current_event = nil current_dist = -1 event_list.each do |event, dist| if current_event == nil || current_dist > dist current_event = event current_dist = dist end end current_event.start current_event.add_touch(self) end else game_player_start_map_event_cxj_fm(x, y, triggers, normal) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine if Front Event is Triggered #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_check_event_trigger_there_cxj_fm check_event_trigger_there def check_event_trigger_there(triggers) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? x2 = $game_map.round_x_with_direction(@x, @direction) y2 = $game_map.round_y_with_direction(@y, @direction) start_map_event(x2, y2, triggers, true, interaction_rect) return if $game_map.any_event_starting? return unless $game_map.counter?(x2, y2) x3 = $game_map.round_x_with_direction(x2, @direction) y3 = $game_map.round_y_with_direction(y2, @direction) start_map_event(x3, y3, triggers, true, interaction_rect) else game_player_check_event_trigger_there_cxj_fm(triggers) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Board Vehicle # Assumes that the player is not currently in a vehicle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_get_on_vehicle_cxj_fm get_on_vehicle def get_on_vehicle if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? front_x = $game_map.round_x_with_direction(@x, @direction) front_y = $game_map.round_y_with_direction(@y, @direction) @vehicle_type = :boat if $game_map.boat.pos_rect?(front_x, front_y, interaction_rect) @vehicle_type = :ship if $game_map.ship.pos_rect?(front_x, front_y, interaction_rect) @vehicle_type = :airship if $game_map.airship.pos_rect?(@x, @y, collision_rect) if vehicle @vehicle_getting_on = true horz = (@x > vehicle.x ? -1 : @x < vehicle.x ? 1 : 0) vert = (@y > vehicle.y ? -3 : @y < vehicle.y ? 3 : 0) d = 5 + horz - vert set_direction(d) @x = vehicle.x @y = vehicle.y @followers.gather @pos_list.clear @followers.clear_pos_list end @vehicle_getting_on else game_player_get_on_vehicle_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Get Off Vehicle # Assumes that the player is currently riding in a vehicle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_get_off_vehicle_cxj_fm get_off_vehicle def get_off_vehicle if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? if vehicle.land_ok?(@x, @y, @direction) set_direction(2) if in_airship? @followers.synchronize(@x, @y, @direction) vehicle.get_off unless in_airship? @x = $game_map.round_x_with_direction(@x, @direction) @y = $game_map.round_y_with_direction(@y, @direction) @transparent = false end @vehicle_getting_off = true @move_speed = 4 @through = false make_encounter_count @followers.gather @pos_list.clear @followers.clear_pos_list end @vehicle_getting_off else game_player_get_off_vehicle_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine if Map is Passable # d: Direction (2,4,6,8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def map_passable_rect?(x, y, d, rect) case @vehicle_type when :boat $game_map.boat_passable_rect?(x, y, vehicle.collision_rect) when :ship $game_map.ship_passable_rect?(x, y, vehicle.collision_rect) when :airship true else super end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Move Diagonally #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_move_diagonal_cxj_fm move_diagonal def move_diagonal(horz, vert) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? @followers.move if diagonal_passable?(@x, @y, horz, vert) || passable?(@x, @y, horz + 5) || passable?(@x, @y, 5 - vert * 3) super else game_player_move_diagonal_cxj_fm(horz, vert) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Create Encounter Count #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_make_encounter_count_cxj_fm make_encounter_count def make_encounter_count game_player_make_encounter_count_cxj_fm @encounter_count*= (32 / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP) + (32 / 2 < CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP ? 1 : 0) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Detect Collision with Vehicle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_collide_with_vehicles_cxj_fm? collide_with_vehicles? def collide_with_vehicles?(x, y) return (@vehicle_type != :boat && $game_map.boat.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, collision_rect)) || (@vehicle_type != :ship && $game_map.ship.pos_rect_nt?(x, y, collision_rect)) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? return game_player_collide_with_vehicles_cxj_fm?(x, y) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Processing When Not Moving # last_moving : Was it moving previously? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_player_update_nonmoving_cxj_fm update_nonmoving def update_nonmoving(last_moving) game_player_update_nonmoving_cxj_fm(last_moving || @old_x != @real_x || @old_y != @real_y) return if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? update_encounter if !last_moving && !@last_poll.empty? @last_poll.clear end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Followers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This is a wrapper for a follower array. This class is used internally for # the Game_Player class. #============================================================================== class Game_Followers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Detect Collision #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collide_rect?(x, y, rect) visible_folloers.any? {|follower| follower.pos_rect?(x, y, rect) } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Clear Pos List #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clear_pos_list reverse_each do |follower| follower.clear_pos_list end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_followers_move_cxj_fm move def move if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? reverse_each do |follower| if gathering? follower.board end follower.chase_preceding_character end else game_followers_move_cxj_fm end end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Vehicle #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles vehicles. It's used within the Game_Map class. If there # are no vehicles on the current map, the coordinates are set to (-1,-1). #============================================================================== class Game_Vehicle < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Collision Rectangle # Gets the collision rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_rect collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION["DEFAULT"] key = @type.id2name.upcase collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[key] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[key].nil? return Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine Coordinate Match #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pos_rect?(x, y, rect) on_map? && super(x, y, rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Determine If On Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_map? @map_id == $game_map.map_id end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine if Docking/Landing Is Possible # d: Direction (2,4,6,8) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_vehicle_land_ok_cxj_fm? land_ok? def land_ok?(x, y, d) return game_vehicle_land_ok_cxj_fm?(x, y, d) if !$game_map.free_movement_enabled? if @type == :airship return false unless $game_map.airship_land_ok_rect?(x, y, collision_rect) return false unless $game_map.events_xy_rect(x, y, collision_rect).empty? else x2 = $game_map.round_x_with_direction(x, d) y2 = $game_map.round_y_with_direction(y, d) return false unless $game_map.valid_rect?(x2, y2, collision_rect) return false unless $game_map.passable_rect?(x2, y2, reverse_dir(d), collision_rect) return false if collide_with_characters?(x2, y2) end return true end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Event #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles events. Functions include event page switching via # condition determinants and running parallel process events. Used within the # Game_Map class. #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Initialize Public Member Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_event_init_public_members_cxj_fm init_public_members def init_public_members game_event_init_public_members_cxj_fm @collisionbox = Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32) @touch_chars = [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_event_update_cxj_fm update def update if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? temp_chars = [] @touch_chars.each do |character| temp_chars.push(character) if character.pos_rect?(@x, @y, collision_rect) end @touch_chars = temp_chars end game_event_update_cxj_fm end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_event_refresh_cxj_fm refresh def refresh if !@event.pages.empty? && $game_map.free_movement_enabled? get_collision_from_comment(@event.pages[0].list) end game_event_refresh_cxj_fm set_current_collision if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Set Current Collision #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_current_collision @event.pages.each do |page| if conditions_met?(page) get_collision_from_comment(page.list) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Set Collision From Comment Tags #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_collision_from_comment(list) list.each do |command| if command.code == 108 || command.code == 408 case command.parameters[0] when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)>/i @collisionbox = Rect.new($1, $2, $3, $4) when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(.+?)>/i collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1].nil? @collisionbox = Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Initialize Public Member Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_collision_rect(*args) return if args.empty? x = 0 y = 0 width = 32 height = 32 if args[0].instance_of?(String) collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[args[0]] if !collision.nil? && !collision.empty? x = collision[0] y = collision[1] width = collision[2] height = collision[3] end else x = args[0] y = args[1] if args.size >=2 width = args[2] if args.size >= 3 height = args[3] if args.size >= 4 end @collisionbox = Rect.new(x, y, width, height) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Collision Rectangle # Gets the collision rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_rect return @collisionbox end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Detect Collision with Player (Including Followers) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_event_collide_with_player_characters_cxj_fm? collide_with_player_characters? def collide_with_player_characters?(x, y) return game_event_collide_with_player_characters_cxj_fm?(x, y) if !$game_map.free_movement_enabled? normal_priority? && $game_player.collide_rect?(x, y, collision_rect) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Determine if Touch Event is Triggered #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_event_check_event_trigger_touch_cxj_fm check_event_trigger_touch def check_event_trigger_touch(x, y) if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? return if $game_map.interpreter.running? if @trigger == 2 && $game_player.pos_rect?(x, y, $game_player.collision_rect) start if !jumping? && normal_priority? end else game_event_check_event_trigger_touch_cxj_fm(x, y) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Add Character to Touch List # Keeps track of characters already touching this event. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_touch(character) @touch_chars.push(character) unless is_touching?(character) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Checks if the current event is touching. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_touching?(character) @touch_chars.include?(character) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Event Name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def name @event.name end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Follower #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class handles followers. A follower is an allied character, other than # the front character, displayed in the party. It is referenced within the # Game_Followers class. #============================================================================== class Game_Follower < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_follower_initialize_cxj_fm initialize def initialize(member_index, preceding_character) game_follower_initialize_cxj_fm(member_index, preceding_character) @force_chase = false @board = false @through = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWER_THROUGH @custom_collision = nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_follower_refresh_cxj_fm refresh def refresh game_follower_refresh_cxj_fm return if actor.nil? || !$game_map.free_movement_enabled? @custom_collision = nil @interaction = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::INTERACTION["DEFAULT"] actor.actor.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)>/i @custom_collision = Rect.new($1, $2, $3, $4) when /<collisionbox:[ ]*(.+?)>/i collision = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1] if !CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::COLLISION[$1].nil? @custom_collision = Rect.new(collision[0], collision[1], collision[2], collision[3]) end } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Collision Rectangle # Gets the collision rectangle. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def collision_rect return @custom_collision if !@custom_collision.nil? return super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Pursue Preceding Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias game_follower_chase_preceding_character_cxj_fm chase_preceding_character def chase_preceding_character if $game_map.free_movement_enabled? unless moving? if @board @x = @preceding_character.x @y = @preceding_character.y @board = false elsif CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOW_TYPE == :trace && !@force_chase max_list_size = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE / CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP if(@preceding_character.pos_list_size > max_list_size) while @preceding_character.pos_list_size > max_list_size pos = @preceding_character.get_coords_from_pos_list unless pos.nil? sx = distance_x_from(pos[:x]) sy = distance_y_from(pos[:y]) horz = (sx > 0 ? -1 : sx < 0 ? 1 : 0) vert = (sy > 0 ? -1 : sy < 0 ? 1 : 0) d = horz + (vert == 0 && horz == 0 ? 0 : 5 - vert * 3) set_direction(d) pixelstep = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::PIXELS_PER_STEP / 32.0 @x = @x + horz * pixelstep @y = @y + vert * pixelstep @pos_list.push({:x => @real_x, :y => @real_y}) @pos_list.shift if @pos_list.size > CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE * 2 if(!jumping?) @x = $game_map.round_x(@x) @y = $game_map.round_y(@y) @real_x = @x - horz * pixelstep @real_y = @y - vert * pixelstep increase_steps end end end end elsif @force_chase dist = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE / 32.0 mrgn = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE_MARGIN / 32.0 sx = distance_x_from(@preceding_character.x) sy = distance_y_from(@preceding_character.y) sd = Math.hypot(sx, sy) if(sd > dist && sx.abs > mrgn && sy.abs > mrgn) @move_poll+=[[(sx > 0 ? -1 : 1) + (sy > 0 ? 8 : 2), true]] elsif sx.abs > dist && sx.abs > sy.abs @move_poll+=[[sx > 0 ? 4 : 6, true]] elsif sy.abs > dist && sx.abs < sy.abs @move_poll+=[[sy > 0 ? 8 : 2, true]] end end end else game_follower_chase_preceding_character_cxj_fm end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: The Distance To Preceding Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def distance_preceding_character sx = distance_x_from(@preceding_character.x) sy = distance_y_from(@preceding_character.y) return Math.hypot(sx, sy) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Processes Movement #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process_move(horz, vert) super(horz, vert) dist = CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::FOLLOWERS_DISTANCE / 32.0 if distance_preceding_character > dist && @move_poll.size == 0 @force_chase = true chase_preceding_character @force_chase = false end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Sets the Character To Board #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def board @board = true end end #============================================================================== # ** Game_Interpreter #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the # Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes. #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Set Collision Rectangle From Event Script #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_collision_rect(*args) $game_map.events[@event_id].set_collision_rect(*args) end end if(CXJ::FREE_MOVEMENT::SHOW_COLLISION_BOXES) #============================================================================ # ** Sprite_CollisionBox #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This sprite is used to display collision boxes. It's mainly used for # debugging purposes. #============================================================================ class Sprite_CollisionBox < Sprite #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Initialization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def initialize(viewport, parent_sprite = nil) super(viewport) @color = Color.new(0, 255, 0, 128) @icolor = Color.new(255, 0, 0, 128) @parent_sprite = parent_sprite self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(96, 96) update end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Update Per Frame #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def update self.x = @parent_sprite.x self.y = @parent_sprite.y draw_box end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Draw Collision Box #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw_box self.ox = 48 self.oy = 60 self.bitmap.clear return if @parent_sprite.character.through && @parent_sprite.character.transparent return if @parent_sprite.character.instance_of?(Game_Vehicle) && !@parent_sprite.character.on_map? col_rect = @parent_sprite.character.collision_rect self.bitmap.fill_rect(col_rect.x + 32, col_rect.y + 32, col_rect.width, col_rect.height, @color) if(@parent_sprite.character == $game_player) int_rec = $game_player.interaction_rect d = $game_player.direction horz = (d - 1) % 3 - 1 vert = 1 - ((d - 1) / 3) int_rect = Rect.new(int_rec.x + 32 + 32 * horz, int_rec.y + 32 + 32 * vert, int_rec.width, int_rec.height) self.bitmap.fill_rect(int_rect, @icolor) end end end #============================================================================ # ** Spriteset_Map #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class brings together map screen sprites, tilemaps, etc. It's used # within the Scene_Map class. #============================================================================ class Spriteset_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Create Character Sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias spriteset_map_create_characters_cxj_fm create_characters def create_characters spriteset_map_create_characters_cxj_fm @collision_sprites = [] @character_sprites.each do |char| @collision_sprites.push(Sprite_CollisionBox.new(@viewport, char)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Update Character Sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias spriteset_map_update_characters_cxj_fm update_characters def update_characters spriteset_map_update_characters_cxj_fm @collision_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.update } end end end