RPG Maker VX Ace
To put it simple, I needed a script that allowed me to store my data locally, in case I wanted to make a sequel to a game and wanted to import data from said game. After some research I found out that most people are kind of dicks and require some form of permission, so I made my own.
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This is quite literally plug-and-play. The only thing I want to say is that the save files are located inside the appdata folder.
This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding these methods, otherwise this script stops working.
module DataManager
- save_file_exists?
- make_filename(index)
#============================================================================== # # GaryCXJk - Local Save v1.00 # * Last Updated: 2014.10.19 # * Level: Easy # * Requires: N/A # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["CXJ-LocalSave"] = "1.00" #============================================================================== # # Changelog: # # 2014.10.19 - v1.00 # # * Initial release # #============================================================================== # # To put it simple, I needed a script that allowed me to store my data locally, # in case I wanted to make a sequel to a game and wanted to import data from # said game. After some research I found out that most people are kind of dicks # and require some form of permission, so I made my own. # #============================================================================== # # Installation: # # Make sure to put this below Materials, but above Main Process. # # This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that # is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, # otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding # these methods, otherwise this script stops working. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aliased methods: # # * module DataManager # - save_file_exists? # - make_filename(index) # #============================================================================== # # Usage: # # This is quite literally plug-and-play. The only thing I want to say is that # the save files are located inside the appdata folder. # #============================================================================== # # License: # # CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) # Public Domain Dedication # # The complete license can be read here: # https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode # # The license as it is described below can be read here: # https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed # # No Copyright # # The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the # public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under # copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent # allowed by law. # # You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial # purposes, all without asking permission. See Other Information below. # # Other Information # # * In no way are the patent or trademark rights of any person affected by CC0, # nor are the rights that other persons may have in the work or in how the # work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. # * Unless expressly stated otherwise, the person who associated a work with # this deed makes no warranties about the work, and disclaims liability for # all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. # * When using or citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the # author or the affirmer. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Clarifications and reasoning: # # This script has been given a CC0 license because I feel it deserves to be # used by everyone without restriction. This ensures that people don't feel # obligated to add a license notice or credits whenever the script is being # used. # # Additional reasoning: # # This script was literally done in an hour, two hours if you include # research and browsing reddit. To put it bluntly, it's insulting to put any # form of limitations on this script or anything similar. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extra notes: # # You are free to pick the following names when you give credit: # # * GaryCXJk # * Gary A.M. Kertopermono # * G.A.M. Kertopermono # * GARYCXJK # # I actually don't mind if you don't credit me, but it would always be nice. # # This script was originally hosted on: # http://area91.multiverseworks.com # #============================================================================== # # The code below defines the settings of this script, and are there to be # modified. # #============================================================================== module CXJ module LOCALSAVE # Modify the following variables to specify the save folder inside your # appdata folder. You're actually free to format this however you want, # you can just leave some of them empty if you feel like and lump # everything inside one of the three variables. I don't care. ROOT_SAVE_FOLDER = "/CXJ/" GAME_SAVE_FOLDER = "LocalSave/" SAVE_FOLDER = "/Test Project/Save/" end end #============================================================================== # # The code below should not be altered unless you know what you're doing. # #============================================================================== module CXJ module LOCALSAVE def self.get_environment_variable(variable, length = 256) testvalue = "\0" * length Win32API.new('Kernel32', 'GetEnvironmentVariable', 'PPL', 'V').call(variable, testvalue, length) returnvalue = testvalue[0, testvalue.index("\0")] if returnvalue[-1, 1] != "\\" && returnvalue[-1, 1] != '/' returnvalue+= '/' end returnvalue.gsub!(/\\/) { '/' } returnvalue end LOCAL_APPDATA_FOLDER = get_environment_variable('APPDATA', 256) def self.automake_dirs(file) while !file.index('//').nil? file.gsub!(/\/\//) { '/' } end if file[-1, 1] == '/' file.slice!(-1, 1) end dir = file.clone mdir = [] while !File.exists?(dir) && !dir.rindex('/').nil? && dir.rindex('/') > 0 mdir.unshift(dir) dir = dir[0, dir.rindex('/')] end mdir.each do |dir| Dir.mkdir(dir) end file + '/' end LOCAL_SAVE_FOLDER = automake_dirs( LOCAL_APPDATA_FOLDER + ROOT_SAVE_FOLDER + GAME_SAVE_FOLDER + SAVE_FOLDER); end end #============================================================================== # ** DataManager #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This module manages the database and game objects. Almost all of the # global variables used by the game are initialized by this module. #============================================================================== module DataManager class << self #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Determine Existence of Save File #------------------------------------------------------------------------ alias datamanager_save_file_exists_cxj_localsave? save_file_exists? def save_file_exists? !Dir.glob(CXJ::LOCALSAVE::LOCAL_SAVE_FOLDER + 'Save*.rvdata2').empty? || datamanager_save_file_exists_cxj_localsave? end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Create Filename # index : File Index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ alias datamanager_make_filename_cxj_localsave make_filename def make_filename(index) CXJ::LOCALSAVE::LOCAL_SAVE_FOLDER + datamanager_make_filename_cxj_localsave(index) end end end