RPG Maker VX Ace
Hacked Together Credits Script

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Demo (1.48 MB, 491 times downloaded)

There are two ways to use this script. First is changing the current scene to Scene_Credits. It will automatically return to the last scene after it's done. This scene is completely bare, save for the credits stuff. Any music or other effect should be done before this scene. You can also subclass it to add new functionality.

The other way is to open a Window_Credits. You can either open one yourself or use CXJ::HT_CREDITS.refresh to open a global window. You must run CXJ::HT_CREDITS.update yourself each tick to run the window. To close the window, use CXJ::HT_CREDITS.terminate_message. Finally, CXJ::HT_CREDITS.credits_end? checks if the credits reach its end.

A credits file is a regular text file which contains various data. It consists of several blocks, defined by square brackets. The [credits] section is the actual credits text. You can use certain formatting for that. None of the formatting will transfer over to the next line.

\IFT[code]  - Insert an icon font character.
\C          - Change color. The value that follows is four characters wide, and is a hexadecimal value representing RGBA.
\{          - Enlargen the text by eight.
\}          - Shrink the text by eight.
\Ax         - Align the text to the center position.
              L:   Align left.
              C:   Align center.
              R:   Align right.
\Px         - Sets the center position.
              L:   At a quarter of the screen.
              C:   At the center.
              R:   At three quarters of the screen.
              0-8: A position between the left and right position of the screen.
\>>         - Will process the next line on the same line as the current.

There is also an easy way to insert unicode characters, by using \u{code}, where code is the hexadecimal code value of the glyph you want to insert. Do note that the u has to be lower case.

The [timeline] section defines events that should happen during the credits sequence. You can define methods here, either as a symbol or as an evaluated line. You correctly format the lines as follows:

time_in_seconds:method string


5.00:puts('Haldo world!')

The [on_credits_end] block is actually a script block, which triggers once the script terminates, either by reaching the end or by getting terminated by the player. As the script is run inside the Window_Credits class, you can use the methods of this class inside this script.

Finally, [settings] contains the settings. You can assign settings however you like, if you like. If you decide not to change a setting, you can always remove them.

font            - The font or fonts (comma separated and in double quotes).
line_height     - The font size.
color           - The font color, as an eight character hexadecimal value.
duration        - The duration of the credits sequence.
scroll_duration - The duration of the scrolling text.
speed           - The speed of the scrolling text.

Icon fonts

Icon fonts are generally used for web applications, but I decided to add compatibility for it in this credits script. Basically an icon font is a font that only contains icons. This makes the images very scalable. To define an icon font, you need to make a hash, which contains the following blocks:

:name   - The name of the font as it's defined in the font itself
:prefix - The prefix, used to identify the font
:glyph  - A list of glyphs

The glyph block in itself is a hash as well, where the key is the identifier of the font, and the value is the hexadecimal value associated with the glyph.

In the demo I've added an example. I've used FontAwesome as the icon font to show how it works. I also added a short bit below to show you the structure of the hash.

FONTAWESOME[:name] = "FontAwesome"
FONTAWESOME[:prefix] = "fa-"
FONTAWESOME[:glyph] = {}
FONTAWESOME[:glyph]["adjust"] = "f042"
FONTAWESOME[:glyph]["adn"] = "f170"

This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding these methods, otherwise this script stops working.

  • Scene_Base
    • update_basic

Download Hacked Together Credits Script v1.01 (29.4 kB, 1851 times downloaded)

Download Hacked Together Credits Script Demo v1.01 (1.33 MB, 427 times downloaded)

Download Hacked Together Credits Script v1.00 (28.33 kB, 1925 times downloaded)

Download Hacked Together Credits Script Demo v1.00 (1.32 MB, 412 times downloaded)

# GaryCXJk - Hacked Together Credits Script v1.02
# * Last Updated: 2014.08.03
# * Level: Easy
# * Requires: N/A

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["CXJ-HTCredits"] = "1.02"

# Changelog:
# 2014.08.03 - v1.02
# * Added: You can now change the opacity using CXJ::HT_CREDITS.opacity
# * Added: Custom fonts can now be set
# * Added: Unicode now implemented, you can use \u{hex-value} to display the
#          character
# * Added: Icon font support
# * Added: A script can now be run when the credits end
# * Fixed: Now the credits data is moved to a separate class, allowing for
#          multiple credits files
# * Fixed: White lines are now ignored in the timeline block
# 2012.01.13 - v1.01
# * Fixed: Made the window update automatically
# 2012.01.03 - v1.00
# * Initial release
# Okay, here's the thing. RPG Maker VX Ace's message system can be very
# flexible, to the point where you can use it as a basic credits system.
# However, sometimes you want that little bit more flexibility. So, at these
# times it would be very nice to see a credits system.
# Now this isn't the best credits script there could be, hence its name. That
# doesn't mean it's bad though, it only means it's still very basic, kind of
# for people who want to work with a quick script, and that the code is a bit
# messy.
# Installation:
# Make sure to put this below Materials, but above Main Process.
# This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that
# is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere,
# otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding
# these methods, otherwise this script stops working.
# Aliased methods:
# * class Scene_Base
#   - update_basic
# Usage:
# There are two ways to use this script. First is changing the current scene
# to Scene_Credits. It will automatically return to the last scene after it's
# done. This scene is completely bare, save for the credits stuff. Any music
# or other effect should be done before this scene. You can also subclass it
# to add new functionality.
# The other way is to open a Window_Credits. You can either open one yourself
# or use CXJ::HT_CREDITS.refresh to open a global window. To close the window,
# use CXJ::HT_CREDITS.terminate_message. Finally, CXJ::HT_CREDITS.credits_end?
# checks if the credits reach its end.
# A credits file is a regular text file which contains various data. It
# consists of several blocks, defined by square brackets. The [credits]
# section is the actual credits text. You can use certain formatting for that.
# None of the formatting will transfer over to the next line.
# \IFT[code]  - Insert an icon font character.
# \C          - Change color. The value that follows is four characters wide,
#               and is a hexadecimal value representing RGBA.
# \{          - Enlargen the text by eight.
# \}          - Shrink the text by eight.
# \Ax         - Align the text to the center position.
#               L:   Align left.
#               C:   Align center.
#               R:   Align right.
# \Px         - Sets the center position.
#               L:   At a quarter of the screen.
#               C:   At the center.
#               R:   At three quarters of the screen.
#               0-8: A position between the left and right position of the
#                    screen.
# \>>         - Will process the next line on the same line as the current.
# There is also an easy way to insert unicode characters, by using \u{code},
# where code is the hexadecimal code value of the glyph you want to insert.
# Do note that the u has to be lower case.
# The [timeline] section defines events that should happen during the credits
# sequence. You can define methods here, either as a symbol or as an evaluated
# line. You correctly format the lines as follows:
# time_in_seconds:method string
# time_in_seconds::symbol
# Example:
# 5.00:puts('Haldo world!')
# 5.10::make_font_bigger
# The [on_credits_end] block is actually a script block, which triggers once
# the script terminates, either by reaching the end or by getting terminated
# by the player. As the script is run inside the Window_Credits class, you
# can use the methods of this class inside this script.
# Finally, [settings] contains the settings. You can assign settings however
# you like, if you like. If you decide not to change a setting, you can always
# remove them.
# font            - The font or fonts (comma separated and in double quotes).
# line_height     - The font size.
# color           - The font color, as an eight character hexadecimal value.
# duration        - The duration of the credits sequence.
# scroll_duration - The duration of the scrolling text.
# speed           - The speed of the scrolling text.
# Icon fonts:
# Icon fonts are generally used for web applications, but I decided to add
# compatibility for it in this credits script. Basically an icon font is a
# font that only contains icons. This makes the images very scalable.
# To define an icon font, you need to make a hash, which contains the
# following blocks:
# :name   - The name of the font as it's defined in the font itself
# :prefix - The prefix, used to identify the font
# :glyph  - A list of glyphs
# The glyph block in itself is a hash as well, where the key is the identifier
# of the font, and the value is the hexadecimal value associated with the
# glyph.
# In the demo I've added an example. I've used FontAwesome as the icon font
# to show how it works. I also added a short bit below to show you the
# structure of the hash.
# FONTAWESOME[:name] = "FontAwesome"
# FONTAWESOME[:prefix] = "fa-"
# FONTAWESOME[:glyph] = {}
# FONTAWESOME[:glyph]["adjust"] = "f042"
# FONTAWESOME[:glyph]["adn"] = "f170"
# License:
# CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) 
# Public Domain Dedication
# The complete license can be read here:
# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
# The license as it is described below can be read here:
# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed
# No Copyright
# The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the
# public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under
# copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent
# allowed by law.
# You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial
# purposes, all without asking permission. See Other Information below.
# Other Information
# * In no way are the patent or trademark rights of any person affected by CC0,
#   nor are the rights that other persons may have in the work or in how the
#   work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
# * Unless expressly stated otherwise, the person who associated a work with
#   this deed makes no warranties about the work, and disclaims liability for
#   all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
# * When using or citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the
#   author or the affirmer.
# Clarifications and reasoning:
# This script has been given a CC0 license because I feel it deserves to be
# used by everyone without restriction. This ensures that people don't feel
# obligated to add a license notice or credits whenever the script is being
# used.
# Additional reasoning:
# This script is actually pretty easy to implement yourself, and I feel it's
# a bit unfair to ask more from the ones who use it other than that the script
# is being used. Besides, asking to be credited on a credits page? That's
# pretty redundant.
# I also feel like there are better ways to implement a credits sequence,
# especially with the experience I've gained since.
# Extra notes:
# You are free to pick the following names when you give credit:
# * GaryCXJk
# * Gary A.M. Kertopermono
# * G.A.M. Kertopermono
# I actually don't mind if you don't credit me, but it would always be nice.
# This script was originally hosted on:
# http://area91.multiverseworks.com
# The code below defines the settings of this script, and are there to be
# modified.

module CXJ
  module HT_CREDITS
    # General settings
    BASE_FONT = ["Verdana", "Arial", "Courier New"] # Base font
    BASE_HEIGHT = 24                            # Base line height
    TEXT_COLOR = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)  # Default color
    DEFAULT_DURATION = 15                       # Duration of sequence in secs
    DEFAULT_SCROLL_DURATION = 0                 # Scoll duration in secs
    DEFAULT_SPEED = 1.0                         # Scroll speed
    ALLOW_MANUAL_CREDITS_CLOSE = true           # Manually close Scene_Credits?
    # Searches through the following files.
    # It iterates through the file list. If a file can't be found, it moves
    # on to the next file. Otherwise it loads the data and skips the rest.
    # When using a packaged file, you can append it with a symbol name. This
    # way you can store the data in a general package.
    # This list defines the file extensions of packaged files.
    # Font icons
    # These are icons embedded in fonts. There isn't much use for it, which
    # is why I didn't highlight this feature, but in case you do want to use
    # them, I've included a sample in the demo.
    ICON_FONTS = []
    ICON_FONTS.push(IFT_FontAwesome::FONTAWESOME) if $imported.has_key?("IconFontTable-FontAwesome")
    # Use this module (CXJ::HT_CREDITS::METHODS) or Window_Credits to add new
    # methods.
    module METHODS
      def haldo

# The code below should not be altered unless you know what you're doing.

class HT_Credits_Data

  # Initializes the credits.
  def initialize(filename = '')
    @credits_base_font = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::BASE_FONT
    @credits_base_height = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::BASE_HEIGHT
    @credits_base_color = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::TEXT_COLOR
    @credits_base_duration = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::DEFAULT_DURATION
    @credits_base_scroll_duration = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::DEFAULT_SCROLL_DURATION
    @credits_base_speed = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::DEFAULT_SPEED
    @credits_text = []
    @credits_timeline = {}
    @credits_height = 0
    @credits_height_list = []
    @credits_on_credits_end_script = ""
    @credits_base_scroll_duration = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::DEFAULT_DURATION if @credits_base_scroll_duration == 0
      CXJ::HT_CREDITS::CREDITS_FILE.each do |filename|
        break if !@credits_text.empty?

  # Gets credits data as a Hash.
  def get_credits_data
    data = {
    :credits => @credits_text,
    :timeline => @credits_timeline,
    :on_credits_end => @credits_on_credits_end_script,
    :settings => {
      :font => @credits_base_font,
      :line_height => @credits_base_height,
      :color => @credits_color,
      :duration => @credits_base_duration,
      :scroll_duration => @credits_base_scroll_duratino,
      :speed => @credits_base_speed,

  # Store credits data as a file.
  def store_credits_data(filename)
    save_data(get_credits_data, filename)

  # Process a file.
  def process_file(filename)
    filedata = filename.split(/:/)
    filename = filedata[0]
    return unless File.exists?(filename)
    extname = File.extname(filename)
    ext = extname[1, extname.size - 1]
    if CXJ::HT_CREDITS::CREDITS_PACKAGED.include?(ext)
      if(filedata.size > 1)
        process_packaged(filename, filedata[1].to_sym)

  # Process packaged credits data.
  def process_packaged(filename, symbol = nil)
    credits_data = load_data(filename)
    return if(credits_data.nil?)
    if !symbol.nil?
      return if credits_data[symbol].nil?
      credits_data = credits_data[symbol]
    return if @credits_text.nil?
    @credits_text = credits_data[:credits] if !credits_data[:credits].nil?
    @credits_timeline = credits_data[:timeline] if !credits_data[:timeline].nil?
    @credits_on_credits_end_script = credits_data[:on_credits_end] if !credits_data[:on_credits_end].nil?
    settings = {}
    settings = credits_data[:settings] if !credits_data[:settings].nil?
    @credits_base_font = settings[:font] if !settings[:font].nil?
    @credits_base_height = settings[:line_height] if !settings[:line_height].nil?
    @credits_color = settings[:color] if !settings[:color].nil?
    @credits_base_duration = settings[:duration] if !settings[:duration].nil?
    @credits_base_scroll_duration = settings[:scroll_duration] if !settings[:scroll_duration].nil?
    @credits_base_speed = settings[:speed] if !settings[:speed].nil?

  # Process a text file.
  def process_text(filename)
    credits_content = ''
    File.open(filename, "r") do |file|
      credits_content = file.read()
    tag_open = :none
    credits_content.split(/[\r\n]/).each do |line|
      if line =~ /^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$/i
        case $1
        when "credits"
          tag_open = :credits
        when "timeline"
          tag_open = :timeline
        when "settings"
          tag_open = :settings
        when "on_credits_end"
          tag_open = :on_credits_end
          @credits_on_credits_end_script = ""
        case tag_open
        when :credits
          line.gsub!(/\\/)    { "\e" }
          line.gsub!(/\e\e/)  { "\\" }
        when :timeline
          linepos = line.index(":")
          unless linepos.nil?
            linedata = line[0, linepos]
            posdata = line.split(/\./)
            curpos = posdata[0].to_i
            subpos = posdata[1].to_i
            subpos/= 10.0 while subpos > 1.0
            @credits_timeline[curpos + subpos] = line[linepos + 1, line.size - (linepos + 1)]
        when :on_credits_end
          @credits_on_credits_end_script+= line
          @credits_on_credits_end_script+= "\n"
        when :settings
          if line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/
            case $1
            when "font"
              @credits_base_font = eval("[" + $2 + "]")
            when "line_height"
              @credits_base_height = $2.to_i
            when "color"
              @credits_color = process_color($2)
            when "duration"
              @credits_base_duration = $2.to_f
            when "scroll_duration"
              @credits_base_scroll_duration = $2.to_f
            when "speed"
              @credits_base_speed = $2.to_i

  # Calculate total height.
  def calculate_total_height
    @credits_height = 0
    height_poll = 0
    last_i = 0
    for i in 0 ... text_count
      text = text(i)
      height_poll = [height_poll, get_line_height(text)].max
      next if text =~ /\e>>/
      @credits_height+= height_poll
      while last_i <= i
        @credits_height_list[last_i] = height_poll
      height_poll = 0
    @credits_height+= height_poll
    while last_i < text_count
      @credits_height_list[last_i] = height_poll

  # Process a color.
  # Colors are done in hexadecimal format.
  def process_color(color)
    vals = '0123456789abcdef'
    value = 0
    color = color.downcase
    while !color.empty?
      value = (value << 4) | vals.index(color.slice!(0, 1))
    Color.new((value >> 24) & 0xff, (value >> 16) & 0xff, (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff)
  # The base line height.
  def base_font
  # The base line height.
  def base_height

  # The default color.
  def default_color

  # The amount of lines stored.
  def text_count

  # The duration of the credits sequence.
  def default_duration

  # The duration of the scrolling text.
  def default_scroll_duration

  # The default speed for the scrolling text.
  # Ignored if the duration of the credits sequence is set.
  def default_speed

  # A text line.
  def text(index)

  # The total height of the scrolling text.
  def total_height
  # The height of a given line.
  def get_line_height(text)
    return @credits_height_list[text] if text.kind_of?(Numeric)
    result = base_height
    text.slice(/^.*$/).scan(/\e[\{\}]/).each do |esc|
      result += 8 if result <= 64 && esc == "\e{"

  # Get the timeline data.
  def get_timeline_data
  # Get the script that should execute on credit end.
  def get_on_credits_end
    return @credits_on_credits_end_script

module CXJ
  module HT_CREDITS
    DEFAULT_CREDITS = HT_Credits_Data.new

class Window_Credits < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(credits_data = nil)
    super(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
    self.opacity = 0
    self.arrows_visible = false
    @credits_data = credits_data
    @credits_data = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::DEFAULT_CREDITS if @credits_data.nil?
    @credits_running = false
  # * Set Credits Data
  def set_credits_data(credits_data)
    @credits_data = credits_data
  # * Get Standard Padding Size
  def standard_padding
    return 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    update_message if @text
    start_message if !@text
  # * Start Message
  def start_message
    @frame_count = 0
    @frame_rate = Graphics.frame_rate
    @frame_end = (@credits_data.default_duration * @frame_rate).floor
    @frame_end = (@credits_data.default_speed * @credits_data.total_height).ceil unless @frame_end > 0
    @text = true
    @credits_running = true
  # * Calculate Height of Window Contents
  def contents_height
    @all_text_height ? @all_text_height : super
  # * Update Message
  def update_message
    self.oy = @scroll_pos + @speed * @frame_count
    val = @timeline[@frame_count]
    if !val.nil?
      if val.instance_of?(Symbol)
    terminate_message if credits_end?
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @all_text_height = @credits_data.total_height
    self.oy = @scroll_pos = -height
  # * End Message
  def terminate_message
    if @credits_running
      @credits_running = false
  # If the credits have ended.
  def credits_end?
    @frame_count > @frame_end
  # Draws all text.
  def draw_all_text
    y = 0
    index = 0
    while index < @credits_data.text_count
      create_line(index, y)
      while index < @credits_data.text_count && @credits_data.text(index) =~ /\e>>/
        index+= 1
        create_line(index, y)
      y+= @credits_data.get_line_height(index)
      index+= 1
  # Initializes the timeline.
  def set_timeline
    @timeline = {}
    @credits_data.get_timeline_data.each do |key,value|
      dur = (key * @frame_rate).floor
      val = value
      val = value[1, value.size - 1].to_sym if(value[0] == ":")
      @timeline[dur] = val
  # Calculate the text speed.
  def calculate_speed
    def_duration = @credits_data.default_scroll_duration * 1.0
    @speed = @credits_data.default_speed
    @remainder = 0
    if def_duration > 0
      frame_duration = def_duration * @frame_rate * 1.0
      @speed = (@credits_data.total_height + Graphics.height) / frame_duration
  # Create a line.
  def create_line(index, yPos)
    text = @credits_data.text(index).to_s.clone
    line_height = @credits_data.get_line_height(index)
    bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
    data = {:x => 0, :y => 0, :align => 1, :pos => 0}
    bitmap.font.name = @credits_data.base_font
    bitmap.font.size = @credits_data.base_height
    bitmap.font.color = CXJ::HT_CREDITS::TEXT_COLOR
    pos = "C"
    if text =~ /P([LCR])/i
      pos = $1
    process_char(text.slice!(0, 1), text, bitmap, line_height, data) while !text.empty?
    case data[:align]
    when 0
      xPos = Graphics.width / 2 + data[:pos]
    when 1
      xPos = (Graphics.width - data[:x]) / 2 + data[:pos]
    when 2
      xPos = Graphics.width / 2 - data[:x] + data[:pos]
    line_width = [1,data[:x]].max
    place_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, line_width, [line_height * 2, Graphics.height].min)
    contents.blt(xPos, yPos, bitmap, place_rect)

  # Process a character.
  def process_char(char, text, bitmap, line_height, data)
    if char == "\e"
      process_special_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, bitmap, line_height, data)
      rect = bitmap.text_size(char)
      bitmap.draw_text(data[:x], data[:y], rect.width * 2, line_height, char)
      data[:x]+= rect.width
  # Get icon font
  def get_icon_font(font_code)
    CXJ::HT_CREDITS::ICON_FONTS.each do |icon_font|
      prefix = icon_font[:prefix]
      return icon_font if font_code.start_with?(prefix)
    return nil
  # Process a special character.
  def process_special_character(char, text, bitmap, line_height, data)
    case char
    when "i", "I"
      if text.slice(0,2).upcase == "FT"
        font_code = text.slice!(/^\[.+?\]/)[/[^\[\]]+/]
        icon_font = get_icon_font(font_code)
        return if icon_font.nil?
        glyph_name = font_code.to_s.clone
        return if !icon_font[:glyph].has_key?(glyph_name)
        return_char = eval("\"\\u{" + icon_font[:glyph][glyph_name] + "}\"")
        current_font_name = bitmap.font.name
        bitmap.font.name = icon_font[:name]
        rect = bitmap.text_size(return_char)
        bitmap.draw_text(data[:x], data[:y], rect.width * 2, line_height, return_char)
        bitmap.font.name = current_font_name
        data[:x]+= rect.width
    when "c", "C"
      bitmap.font.color = @credits_data.process_color(text.slice!(0, 8))
    when "{"
      bitmap.font.size += 8 if bitmap.font.size <= 64
    when "}"
      bitmap.font.size -= 8 if bitmap.font.size >= 16
    when "a", "A"
      align = text.slice!(0, 1)
      case align
      when "l", "L"
        data[:align] = 0
      when "r", "R"
        data[:align] = 2
      when "c", "C"
        data[:align] = 1
    when ">"
      text.slice!(0, 1)
    when "p", "P"
      cur_char = text.slice!(0, 1)
      if cur_char =~ /[0-8]/i
        data[:pos] = Graphics.width / ((cur_char.to_i - 4) * 2)
        case cur_char
        when "L"
          data[:pos] = 0 - Graphics.width / 2
        when "R"
          data[:pos] = Graphics.width / 2
        when "C"
          data[:pos] = 0
    when "u"
      next_char = text.slice(0, 1)
      return_char = '';
      if next_char != "{"
        return_char = eval("\"\\u{" + text.slice!(0, 4) + "}\"")
        next_char = "";
        eval_char = "\"\\u";
        while next_char != "}" && !text.empty?
          next_char = text.slice!(0, 1)
          eval_char+= next_char
        eval_char+= "\"";
        return_char = eval(eval_char)
      rect = bitmap.text_size(return_char)
      bitmap.draw_text(data[:x], data[:y], rect.width * 2, line_height, return_char)
      data[:x]+= rect.width

class Scene_Credits < Scene_Base
  # * Start Processing
  def start
    @window_credits = Window_Credits.new
  # Update
  def update
    if (Input.trigger?(:C) && CXJ::HT_CREDITS::ALLOW_MANUAL_CREDITS_CLOSE) || @window_credits.credits_end?
      @ending = true
    if @ending
      Graphics.brightness = [Graphics.brightness - 16, 0].max
      if Graphics.brightness == 0
        Graphics.brightness = 255

module CXJ
  module HT_CREDITS
    # Refresh the credits window.
    # It will automatically create and open a window if it hasn't.
    def self.refresh(credits_data = nil)
      if @credits_window.nil?
        @credits_window = Window_Credits.new(credits_data)
        @credits_viewport = Viewport.new(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
        @credits_viewport.z = 300
        @credits_window.viewport = @credits_viewport
      if (@credits_data.nil? && !credits_data.nil?) || (!credits_data.nil? && @credits_data != credits_data)
        @credits_data = credits_data
    # Update.
    def self.update
      @credits_window.update if !@credits_window.nil? && @credits_window.visible
    # Whether the credits have ended or not.
    def self.credits_end?
    # Manually terminates the window.
    def self.terminate_message
    # Gets the opacity of the credits window.
    def self.opacity
      return @credits_window.contents_opacity
    # Sets the opacity of the credits window.
    def self.opacity=(value)

# ** Scene_Base
#  This is a super class of all scenes within the game.

class Scene_Base
  # * Alias: Update Frame (Basic)
  scene_base_update_basic_cxj_htcredits = instance_method(:update_basic)
  define_method :update_basic do

Creator: GaryCXJk

Release date: 2012-01-03

Last updated: 2014-08-03

Downloads: 1925

License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)